Hex pattern proving grounds :)

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Here is a quick video I made of my first successful (after many failed) attempt at creating a Halo 4 Undersuit mold and end product. This was made using standard household Latex paint, and the finished product will be made using Smooth-On's Dragonskin. There are 6 interlocking molds that make up the mother mold, which will result in a combined size of 16"X19" per sheet.

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Brilliant. Latex paint and a cloth backing. Not forgetting the actual mold that was made. Where do all these ideas and problem solving methods come from? I have read through your other posts and tutorials and you simply innovate and make it happen. Brilliant.
This is looking really good. The main reason I haven't even considered making anything Halo 4 related is due to the under suit. If your method achieves an authentic look then I will certainly be reconsidering my thoughts on making something from Halo 4. I only have one concern for the hex pattern you're using. This might just be due to the video, but the height of the hex detail looks like it might be too much.
Brilliant. Latex paint and a cloth backing. Not forgetting the actual mold that was made. Where do all these ideas and problem solving methods come from? I have read through your other posts and tutorials and you simply innovate and make it happen. Brilliant.

Thanks! I attribute my problem solving skills to tons of research and the never-ending desire to work with and learn how to use as many mediums as possible :)

This is looking really good. The main reason I haven't even considered making anything Halo 4 related is due to the under suit. If your method achieves an authentic look then I will certainly be reconsidering my thoughts on making something from Halo 4. I only have one concern for the hex pattern you're using. This might just be due to the video, but the height of the hex detail looks like it might be too much.

I agree with the fact that they are more pronounced than the imagery from various reference pictures. If I were to do this again, I know exactly what I would need to do. Unfortunately, I have well over $300 invested in this so far, and would hate to have someone come along with a 3-D printer or a CNC and mill out a 10 minute, $25 perfect mold. This way, at least I know it is mine, and has a unique look to it.
Eva, it looks good. If the dragon skin doesn't quite work out for you, I might have a few other options. For the paint to make it so that it is a little more breathable/ stretchable you could add a fabric medium to the paint base as well. It might prove to be a bit cheaper option as well then the dragonskin. I would love to play with it myself, ecspecially being I am a seamstress. Another thing that might change how it streatches, moves might be changing the type of fabric you used. The more elastic the fabric, and if you stretched it some in the process of the paint layers drying might give it more flex, and movement, which are needed in your shoulder, elbow, and knee areas.
I second Ashuraa's comments. I would really like to see how that technique works using a 4-way stretch fabric, like swimsuit lycra. I am currently considering the use of neoprene with a melted texture for my exo-suits, but am holding off on the purchase of the neoprene to see how this turns out.
Well, the bad side to using the latex paint is that it does not allow for much stretch at all. As it stands, with the more rigid material, it starts tearing at the thinnest part; between the hex heads. Using a stretchy material like Lycra will only help it tear easier. The Dragon Skin will allow it to stretch WAY more without tearing, but the cost will be astronomically higher. Since Dragon Skin is used on animatronics, I think that will be my best bet. When it comes to my undersuit, I think I have proven that cost will not be much of a factor, but time will have to prevail since I don't have an unlimited monthly budget for this hobby :) I am figuring that a one-time purchase of a gallon kit will do the trick (with some left over hopefully!). That will put me out just shy of $200. So, for a full on undersuit, from start to finish, I will have invested around $1500. Not too shabby!
In san Francisco, there is a local store that sells molding latex, that is flexible, tear resistant, and only needs 1 coat and is good to go and drys in about 12-24 hours for a full dry and release time. I can look into buying a bunch then sending to people who need it, or you can send me the mold and I can do a casting :) just a thought, as I have gallons of the stuff in the store just across town, if anybody thinks that would be good.
In san Francisco, there is a local store that sells molding latex, that is flexible, tear resistant, and only needs 1 coat and is good to go and drys in about 12-24 hours for a full dry and release time. I can look into buying a bunch then sending to people who need it, or you can send me the mold and I can do a casting :) just a thought, as I have gallons of the stuff in the store just across town, if anybody thinks that would be good.

What is that product called? I would love to look into it.
It is a mask latex from a store that is only in san Francisco and san Rafael. They have every product you can imagine, form smooth on, to their own brand materials, which is what the latex is. The store is call douglass and sturgess I think, and It would be under their latex, the thicker one.
It is a mask latex from a store that is only in san Francisco and san Rafael. They have every product you can imagine, form smooth on, to their own brand materials, which is what the latex is. The store is call douglass and sturgess I think, and It would be under their latex, the thicker one.

DUDE!!!! You are so freakin' awesome! Thanks so much for the information. I am SO purchasing this next month.... I kinda feel like I just switched to Geiko, 'cause I am gonna save a ton of money :) LOL
DUDE!!!! You are so freakin' awesome! Thanks so much for the information. I am SO purchasing this next month.... I kinda feel like I just switched to Geiko, 'cause I am gonna save a ton of money :) LOL
Lol thanks, send me what you are going to purchase, to make sure it is the right one, that place is now my defacto place for mold casting, and general products for my projects
I am thinking this one: Latex #10 Clear, Gallon

It states that it is commonly used to make latex gloves, so I think that would certainly fit the bill :) (Good thing I don't have a latex allergy, eh?)

I also like that it is clear. A bit of aluminum and black acrylic paint should tint it nicely
You don't want that one, it is extremely thin, and gloves are dipped with multiple layers, I use the other thicker one and for the tint, I greatly recommend caltint whatever color, made for latex
Ahh, cool beans....good thing you wanted to see first! Okay, Mask Latex it is :) One gallon of that (better price too :) ), and 16oz. of Lamp Black Cal Tint.

Sound good?
Yup, that's what I got, and when you are casting, use just enough to cover it with tilting, or else it is going to take multiple days to do pieces, and I like your idea with the cloth backing, because I don't yet have a method for gluing/sewing these things, and as a precaution, don't stretch it for a couple of days, as It can sometimes retain the stretched shape( only a bit) when stretched beyond reasonable capacity
DUDE!!!! You are so freakin' awesome! Thanks so much for the information. I am SO purchasing this next month.... I kinda feel like I just switched to Geiko, 'cause I am gonna save a ton of money :) LOL

I have t agree with Evakura. I will so have to show this site to my husband. Thank you so much.
Well, I just couldn't let it go! Four more days on this project and I am finally DONE!

I will let you all be the judge of my final product, but be forewarned, I ain't changin' a thing!

Here is what the last four days have brought me.

I thought I had it with this one... but the padding was too much for my liking


Here are both attempts and the two small test pieces I did as well.


Finally, the finished product. I still have to file down the sides so that when I cast this for the mold, it's casts will be able to interlock to make one massive mother mold.


And an angled shot to show the depth


Now, to wait until the first of next month so I can get the Smooth-On OOMOO for the mold, and the latex for the finished casts :D


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EVAkura That looks wonderful. I cannot wait to see what your final material will look like.

On a similar note I did find this, which would be great in stamping applications, where I do not need quite the level of detail...



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