Creation Discussion Stuck Thread Index


Sr Member
(updated 07-21-2014)

Dear 405th Forum Members,

The following links are to threads that were formerly Stuck at the top of the forum. These are topics that may answer important questions you have, or may just contain important info related to the 405th’s Creation discussion.

New threads may be added to this Sticky Index, so check back often.

If you have a thread you feel should be considered for addition to the Sticky Index, please click the Report Post button underneath this post, then enter your suggestion in the Message box.
This will bring it to the attention of the staff, and we will take your suggestion into consideration.

Please remember that not all threads suggested may be added to the Sticky Index, and threads will be added at the Staff's discretion.

Thank you,
The Forum

HaloGoddess’ How to Scale and More Tutorial
How To Scale and More, by HaloGoddess

Tutorial- Make and Paint Your Own See-Through Visor
Make & Paint Your Own See-Through Visor Tutorial, by Redshirt

Fallout Armor Pep Files and References
Fallout Armor Pep Files & Reference, by Sigma-LS (some broken download links)

Complete Pepakura Viewer for CraftROBO guide and FAQ
Using Pepakura Viewer for CraftRobo Tutorial, by Charlieiscool12

My Advice for Noobs
Advice for New Members, by Einhort

Tutorial- Install & Detail Your Visor
How To Install & Detail Your Visor, by BLACKULA727

Armor Strapping 101
Armor Strapping Tutorial, by DogWizard

Weathered Metal Paint Effect
Weathered Metal Paint Effect Techniques, by Belakor

Painting Tutorial and Procedures
Painting Tutorial & Techniques, by Serpent_ZX

Plungers and Boots
Using Plungers for Spartan Boots, by Ithaca

Tutorial Links
Off-site Tutorial Links, by SPARTAN-053

Wiring LED to helmet
Wiring LEDS for helmets, by MC Chris (OLD, most picture links broken)

COG Armor (Gears of War)
Gears of War COG Armor, by Spartan 051 (OLD, links in 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Post are dead)

Creation Discussion Sticky Index
Creation Discussion Sticky Index, by Deadguy (OLD, all links broken after site changes)
Subsequent to conversing with a couple individuals I've made this to help out individuals find significant zones that have/are being examines about the new arrangement. For the time being I've taken the primary strings of talk and posted them here until further notice. (Will include/redesign more later as utilizing my breaks at work).

On the off chance that you wish me to include/alter data, please let me know either here or PM. I need to ensure this is as valuable for individuals as could be expected under the circumstances, and you're help would be extraordinary ^^

Additionally, If you wish if real "achievements" are found
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