Many years back while waiting for funds to come in to make a full latex Predator costume I messed around with building a set of the Predator styled armor out of Priority Mail boxes, hot glue, and plumbers epoxy. I did all of my own templates by hand and estimating size by eye. Hot glue was used to join and layer pieces together and bits of styrene and acrylic were added for small details. Rounded areas were done to blend parts useing Plumbers Epoxy...
I eventualy abandoned the project and gave it away to a friend who still has it as a display piece in his house. I wanted to show that you can put these sorts of things together by eye and not always have to rely on a pep file.
I did eventualy manage to get my full predator suit put together but opted for latex parts for comfort and ease of movement...
I eventualy abandoned the project and gave it away to a friend who still has it as a display piece in his house. I wanted to show that you can put these sorts of things together by eye and not always have to rely on a pep file.
I did eventualy manage to get my full predator suit put together but opted for latex parts for comfort and ease of movement...