Cardboard Predator Armor

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Many years back while waiting for funds to come in to make a full latex Predator costume I messed around with building a set of the Predator styled armor out of Priority Mail boxes, hot glue, and plumbers epoxy. I did all of my own templates by hand and estimating size by eye. Hot glue was used to join and layer pieces together and bits of styrene and acrylic were added for small details. Rounded areas were done to blend parts useing Plumbers Epoxy...







I eventualy abandoned the project and gave it away to a friend who still has it as a display piece in his house. I wanted to show that you can put these sorts of things together by eye and not always have to rely on a pep file.

I did eventualy manage to get my full predator suit put together but opted for latex parts for comfort and ease of movement...

Wow for it being made out of cardboard and just using your eyes and refrence material thats pretty damn good work. Were you at All-Con last year or might that have been another Predator?
Nintendude said:
Wow for it being made out of cardboard and just using your eyes and refrence material thats pretty damn good work. Were you at All-Con last year or might that have been another Predator?

nope, wasnt me. I have yet to wear the Predator to a convention. Might bring it with me to Dragoncon this year as several of my friends are going to wear their Predators and I have a customer commisioning me to make her a full Machiko suit based on the 12" figure.
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I to am working on a Pred suit as well. One of Soaring Hammers Members that goes by the name of Scott is the master of the Pred. Joe and Ben are also awesome Pred gurus. I will be posting pics when I get more work done on mine. Scott is helping me greatly. I think your suit looks great and the scratch built armor looked great.

I am looking forward to seeing how your suit turns out! It is always great to see more Predators. A while back when I used to frequent the Hunters Lair, I sculpted and molded the Chopper Bio from AVP...




A few more shots of my P1 Predator...



small sampling of the bio collection...

The only thing I ever really liked about the Predator were the different helmets. You're stuff does look good though.
love the Pred. stuff I'm also building a Pred. costume. I did notice you have a Witchblade on your shelf I'm wondering were you got that from as I have been wanting one for ever.
ghostartist said:
love the Pred. stuff I'm also building a Pred. costume. I did notice you have a Witchblade on your shelf I'm wondering were you got that from as I have been wanting one for ever.

The Witchblade I made for my wife for a Comicon a few years back.




Also did one entirely out of cardboard for fun to do an Ian Notingham...


And doing an entirely new sculpt for a customer...


This is also why its taking me forever to finish my MkVI armor, I have to do customer work before I get to make my own stuff.
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wolfshui said:
Witchblade! i thought that was you!

so how did you make that and still be able to move in it?

The parts are all layered and joined with elastic so they float over one another and flex and move with the body. The inner areas are covered in a soft felt so they move smoother over the armor parts they are directly against. Its made so things can expand and contract with your movements, always returning to the relaxed position because of the elastic strapping underneath.Going to be using this method for some of my Iron Man parts to give me a greater range of movement than a lot of the other suits out there.
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