Life size acurate LEGO head-helmet

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Jr Member
Hello world
random idea to make life sized LEGO head into wearble helmet
there are pic of dimensions in milimeters
yea i have that file
but i will not make it from figerglas and resin, i gona make it from high density styrofoam that i have beside me, i will be mych faster for me
This seems like a pretty cool project! My friend, who is hovering over my shoulder I might add, thinks that the head might be a little too long. It might be the way the picture was taken, or maybe you're planning to shave it down a little?
Good luck with your project!
Saber Out
i will remove one of rims inside of head, because i acidently gued it and it shoudnt be there, lol

yay finished it today , just needs some straps inside and it will be ready
002f0492160681.jpg 50f79992160779.jpg 8a257292161065.jpg f1d7e892161123.jpg 67970d92161177.jpg 463fba92161212.jpg 4b820792161324.jpg
oh its not my first prop, this is just one of many i already made out of styrofoam, i just dont have pics from ly old projects
bobvdijk no, just gona use some simple plain color clothes to imitate generic LEGO minfig
I wish someone would do a Halo Lego or Megabloks Suit, that would be awesome, but I have to say you are doing a awesome job.
i want to build one. exactly like this, well almost but i have something different in mind for the face. think u could give me some tips?
lol! i imagine running around with this on yout head.
any plans on a full suit?

lol...just thinking about Dead Rising as you said that.

Looks cool, I'd love to make one of thes for my son, he's a Lego nut, just like his dad!
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