Props Barrett M107 Sniper Rifle

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I made this for my Tippmann 98 custom paintball gun.

As far as can tell I tried to make it as accurate as possible, and I am pretty pleased.

It is mainly for show (or intimidation :cool) but the main section is durable enough to play with.


Most of it is made from laser cut plastic, and welded together. Then reinforced on the inside with fiberglass. The scope, mounting rails, and bipod are the only parts that were bought.





This is the actual paintball barrell, that I play with on this gun. It is a 21 inch smart parts barrell.



Man that thing is bad ass, show up to the paintball field with that setup and you will have all the newbs either wanting to be on your side, or afraid to play againnst you, looks very intimidating, are you actually going to play paintball with it or is it a show piece, and your running a remote line I assume. but great job
very nice indeed! how did you manage to fit the housing onto the gun itself? i was thinking about making a shroud for my 98 as well
Thanks guys.

Man that thing is bad ass, show up to the paintball field with that setup and you will have all the newbs either wanting to be on your side, or afraid to play againnst you, looks very intimidating, are you actually going to play paintball with it or is it a show piece, and your running a remote line I assume. but great job

That was the idea I was going for. I actually haven't played with it, I have only chronographed it. If I do plan on playing with it I will have to work out a lot beforehand, because it is very heavy (just over 10 punds). But I will play with it for at least one game the next time I go to the field.

I have a remote line for it, but it also works just fine with the tank on it. I didn't plan on it, but a 68 cubic inch compressed air tank even fits. I still have to do some tweaking with the hopper setup, if I want to keep the scope the way it is.
check out they may have a feed port for your hopper, they seem to have everything for tippmanns, you could hand load it one ball at a time but that wouldn't be any fun, good luck figuring out something for the hopper def want to see this thing finished
very nice indeed! how did you manage to fit the housing onto the gun itself? i was thinking about making a shroud for my 98 as well

I actually based it off of a kit I saw back in 2004 (crap I feel old) from Ops Gear. I made a rough draft out of cardboard, just to make sure it fit well, then I cut it out of sheet metal, bent it and used some nuts and bolts to fasten it to the upper rail on the gun.

This time I made it the realistic size and a little more perfect. I used the same inside dimensions as the sheet metal one, but just made everything longer. It took a lot of tweaking on the magazine area to get the front grip to fit right, but it slides right in.

The only bolt holding it together is the one on the magazine. It fits through the front grip screw hole. It is a little wobbly, but once the barrell is put into place, it holds it very steady.

check out they may have a feed port for your hopper, they seem to have everything for tippmanns, you could hand load it one ball at a time but that wouldn't be any fun, good luck figuring out something for the hopper def want to see this thing finished

I will check them out, and if I have to Im sure I can rig something up. It works fine without the scope, so I might have to downsize the scope.
Allright cool thanks for the info,ive been wanting to do something like this for a while just wasnt sure what to use exactly, again looks awesome
Rather than using a hopper, check into getting a q loader.

I actually have a q loader for my other tippmann 98 custom sniper. I am not sure if I just wasn't using good paint, but it doesn't seem to work as good as I had hoped.

If I get some extra time (a few years from now) I may go back and make it work with the q loader, but for now, it is fine to have a regular hopper.
Using the cyclone feed system means that I have to cut a chunk out of the main body section.

I have looked into the lapco feed neck, but I don't know how well it works (for this or in general). I have also heard that it increases the loading speed by a little.
If you don't need to shoot a lot of paint, you could go old school, and use or make a 10 or 20 ball feed stick out of pvc like we used in the 90's.
If you don't need to shoot a lot of paint, you could go old school, and use or make a 10 or 20 ball feed stick out of pvc like we used in the 90's.

There is no doubt that I play like a sniper, but there are always times when I need to lay down some fire, and a 10 or 20 round loader just won't work. I might be able to use it with small target practice though.
I was able to work on the hopper setup, and I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. I bought a Lapco feed neck, and a 45 degree elbow, and it made everything fit perfectly.




I am going to the paintball field on Saturday, and I hope to get some in-action video.
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