Noble 6 Concept Helmet and Armour

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My Noble 6 Concept Art Build

Ok so as you can probably Guess this is my build biased off of the Noble 6 concept art, My interest in this was sparked a few days ago when I came across Satchmo III's portfolio of files. After a bit of google searching I found a couple of good shots of Noble 6 in the concept stage and diced I would give it a go.


So far i have completed the pep file of the helmet and my next step is to re-model some parts of it, namely the chin area as i feel it sticks out i little bit too much for my liking i wanted to take the bottom of it in a bit and give it a more gentle sloped shape compared to the current one as ell as this i wanted to make it so the black part that connects to the visor is sitting almost flush with the visor and again with the side supports of the visor.

Helmet pep;





My plan for the next part is to draw out on the helmet where I plan to add detail and alter parts of it like the chin as well as adding a backing and harden the attachment also add some detail and the goggle strap to the attachment.
To alter the chin i was going to fill it with some Filler and sand it in to the shape i want but its the first time i have done anything like this so if anyone can give me some pointers or suggestions that would be great.

With the amount of alterations i need to make with this it could take me a wile to get so work done on this quickly, but i have plenty of time and I'm in no rush

Thanks to anyone who is reading this and i hope i have some updates for you soon ill be doing whatever i can on it all week and I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out,

Any help, suggestions or comments are welcome,
Many thanks, Ross.

The file I used if anyone is interested, Thanks to Satchmo III;


Also if anyone can tell me how to make my pictures show up smaller that would be great!
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I do believe this will turn out pretty cool lad.

As for the pic size, i guess you would have to reduce their size on your computer first before uploading.
I did some looking, the concept stuff is epic. Hopefully I could mod a concept GUNGNIR from the regular pep.
Yeah I love the concept work, I honestly think some of it's better than a few of the parts that made it into the game, I know it's going to be a long road of hard work to complete but I feel like a challenge and it's something you don't see much of.

Any how i started drawing out some of the detail on the attachment and ith any luck will get a load more work done tomorrow!

Thanks to anyone ready, Ross

Also if anyone else is intrested in the Concept armour;
looks great!!! ive thought about doing some of these myself....anyone know of a file for the guy on the far left of the above pic?
looks great!!! ive thought about doing some of these myself....anyone know of a file for the guy on the far left of the above pic?

Hey fella,

I'm not sure but to be honest with you it looks a bit like a air assault only it has the attachment Romeo has in ODST, I thought maybe it was an ODST Helmet at first but really it could be anything knowing concept art!

Hope this helps but i doubt it.

Many thanks, Ross
yeah it kinda does....gonna go on a hunt to see what i can find!

The only files i have seen of the concept work so far are all by Satchmo III (find link in the first post), they are great files like pretty much everything else he does, having a bit better look at it you could make an air assault and shorten the front peach and fit the attachment, but this is all just theoretical so your guess is as good as mine.

Many thanks, Ross
Looks great so far, McMandables. Thanks for sharing your work. I think it's interesting to see this especially since it wasn't in a game. I like that you are modifying things based on your interpretation of the artwork...that will truly make the piece your own. Good luck.
this is going to be epic
i like how in the pic with all the concept art spartan are all holding weapons we use now but in halo they are using unsc weapons which are all futureistic
good luck man =D
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the encouraging words its really helpful and gives me a bit more energy to push on to the next stage, especially from some of the veteran members of the sight, I figure I'll resin it in the morning and then push on with fibre glassing it and then altering the chin area and shape.

Will update when I have mad a bit more progress, Thanks for all the well wishes guys and reading this!

See you next time, Ross
Ok, Update time,

I Know it's been a wile coming but money has been pretty short around here for the time being so I'm just doing what i can with what i have unfortunately, any ways after a bit of messing around i decided that the first helmet pep was a little too big and that it would be easier if i just scaled it down a tad, I also changed the attachment part to one that was meant for the MK. V but i still intend on adding on the goggle strap for the over all finish, i felt it looked a bit more fitting to the helmet, but I'm sure some will disagree!

Second pep of Helmet, with new attachment;

With the attachment on (this will be angled allot better when finished i hope)

As for changing the shape and curve of the chin piece i was planing on filling the front jaw part with expanding filler and simply sanding it into the shape and design i desire after hardening and fibre glassing the helmet its self.

Ok so other than just doing something i had already done i also managed to get some work on the torso, This file is just a standard one from reach and again i intend to do quite a bit of work on this to mount mag pouches and some of the other parts you see on it. The main issue i had with this pep is that although tall I'm very skinny so height wise it was perfect but it was too deep for me to fill properly as a result i have cut this like you would to add buckles to it but have marked out a cross section i wish to remove to make for a better fit, Luckily the front fits over the parts i wanted to remove meaning i can just slide it into place and resin it closed.

Like Thorn's build i wanted to leave the under arms out for easy donning of the torso and then rebuild them out of foam so that they can just clip into place but wont look odd in comparison to the rest of it, I have kept the original under arms to work from and copy when it comes to replacing them!

Torso pep'd;


Torso after Fibre Glassed and cut;



(as you can see i have a fair bit of corrective work to do!)

The marked point of shortening the depth;

And when its together (With any luck.)

All in all I'm pretty happy with the progress I have made so far, but i still have a long way to go before I'm what i want to achieve, next on my list is to Join the torso front and back and complete my pep work on my Thighs and Shins!

Thank you all for reading, any hints, tips, criticism or comments welcome and i look forward to hearing from you!

Till next time 405th,
Thanks, Ross
Hi to anyone who's reading this,
I had been having trouble finding any more concept art of the helmet i wanted to do and after about 3 days of searching i decided to have a look through anything i could find on halo in any format to try and find anything that was close to it, after an additional 2 days of finding nothing wile tidying i stumbled across my copy of Cole protocol... and what did i find?


I could have slapped my self! Any way I'm pretty sure this is the Concept helmet and also some of the armour, if you compare it to the drawing of the concept art i have they both have very similar layouts and attachments, all together i think its good i came across this because it gives me something to work towards a bit more than just one artists drawing and giving me a better over view of what im trying to achive.

Any ways, Many thanks to anyone who is reading hope you all have a good one!
Thanks, Ross
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