Vivid's EOD and Commando Bulid

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VividT E X

Jr Member
Hey guys, first things first !

I am Maxime Grenier AKA VividTEX ( wich is also my GT on XBL ). I'm Canadian, french ( well bilagual... ) and realy happy to share some of my work with you guys. If you want to know more about me just ask and i'll answer :)

--------------------- Starting Update -----------------------

So for today I have for you guys some picture of my new babies (helmets) wich you'll surely recognize :) So here they are i'll explain them after.

here's the reach EOD






here's the Commando



So for the eplanation part ...

Yes, you guys guessed right, these are cast from Hyperbalistik EOD and Blacula727's Commando. And my plan is to finish them as real prop. with some intern padding, a lighted HUD, electronics, and cans/airbrush paintjob.

If you guys have any crasy ideas I could put into these beauties, let me know and i'll manage to do it ;)
Till next time, have a good one,

Had you ever heard about " work " .... you know the things we're all doing to get money ... well boys and girls ... I heard about it... I tell you that much... looks like my helmets too heard about it !

none the less, we worked hard on theese so you guys can finaly have an update :D


-------------------- UPDATE TIME ------------------------

with some pixies :D






dooing some electronics :D BOOOH YEAH






So you have all the resources to get an idea of what progress I've made

lots of mods trough time like the top part witch is re sculpted to be acurate to the concept art :) or the litles holes in the back have been re done 2 or 3 times so xD hard time fixing thoses but it turned out sweet :D Let me know what you think about it I plan finishing it for halloween :) I orderd my visor and my line so when they get to me I swear I hop those in asap... :p anyway :p

Have a good day and pardon me again for my french canadian accent and maybe my verb mistakes xD !!!

Vivid, Max....
Hahaha thanks Pig Benis ... the guy with THE somwhat inspiring name xD Well guys.... I failed at uploading my pictures at the right time ... xD ... but here they are :)



So that's it for the EOD for tonight xD ... I was supose to take picture of the Commando but since I'm not happy with how niether of them turned out I'll post some pics of the RE-W.I.P ... xD ... To sculpt them perfect this time :)
Hahahhahahahahahaha you just made my day... EOD feels like a sir ;D
thanks ;)

It turned out pretty awesome ... i love the eod as well :)
But for some reason i cant see the pictures in the first comment... is it just me?
im curious about the other helmet .. and if u are planning any more projects? :) or even suits?

Hahahhahahahahahaha you just made my day... EOD feels like a sir ;D
thanks ;)

It turned out pretty awesome ... i love the eod as well :)
But for some reason i cant see the pictures in the first comment... is it just me?
im curious about the other helmet .. and if u are planning any more projects? :) or even suits?

HAhahahah Well, can't be more happy to hear that :) And well If you want, check at this tread ( ), me and carpathiavh99 were chit-chattin about an under suit possibility-thingamagig... You know ... So be sure to check it and let me know what you think :)

And, theTavernKnight, well, same thing as Pig... :p look and you'll understand :)

Have a nice one guys...

VividTEX out.
Hey guys since it's christmas I have some spare time and I have started to tackle the paint on my commando helmet :) Since pictures are better than words here it is :p



with the red LEDs on :p




Stay tuned for more :p ( if any of you is ... xD )
Wow man! I thought your eod was pretty good, but this commando blows it out of the water. Just that little bit of red and silver really makes the helmet for me. Anyways, any plans for future projects now that this thread's title has been fulfilled?
oy vay! your helmets look awesome! love the paint jobs and detail work on both of these masters of art. i can only hope my current project is gonna come out this nicely.
Oh my god xD ... If you guys knew xD how often I loked at your threads in admiration... Having you commenting my thread this way is just so nice. Kadus, I have to say that your JFO is one heck of a master piece for the paint and for the visor !!!! If I may ask you a question about this visor, did you use Blackula's technique for detailing it or did you use something esle. And do you still have any of your lables ( the warning ones ) for me to use them :) ? :p For SpartanSony, well your bondo work on both your recon and warrior helmets is, well, legendary xD ... As for the EOD I have to wait for the snow to get away to restart the reshaping sessions ... And in the end .. a similar paint job. I will probably go for a sand color with both mate black and withe details ... got a picture of that somewhere ... but anyways...

Here for the Update part !

I 've done the top part of the helmet and also managed to finish one of the two ear pieces ... here's the pics ..





So that's pretty much it for me tonight, as you can see i'm using acrilics to do the job and it's applied on a sprayed primer for wheel caps or some similar thing ... xD The important part was that it was mate and black xD ... so here you are :) Good night, Hapy christmas even if I'm late and have a good one :)


Maybe this pic is better quality than the other ? ... xD

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The black striping on top is very nice, and a little bit more red on the earpieces certainly never hurt anybody (especially because red is easily my favorite color). In response to your first question yes, I did use Blackula's method exactly the way he showed on the first page of his tutorial, and as you can see, it worked like a charm. And also yes :) I do have those exact same labels that I used on my helmet available for download on 4shared. You need to have some printable clear sticker sheets or something, but do as you wish with the templates. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what you do next!
All right chaps,

It time for me to dust the crap out of this thread and start posting here again ! Last time anyone posted here was a long time ago, 4 years as a mater of facts, but I had'nt left. I kept learking around, looking at amazing work from you guys, dreaming of the day where I could take back my bondo and take a crack at it one more time ! Of course, like many of you, school, work, and other priorities got the best of me. I was for those four years going trough school on week days, spending 9 to 12 hours awayt form home studying and doing animation assignments. Then to pay for school I worked on week ends at staples 20h more or less on week ends. I have to say it's meen mighty hard to keep time for myself. Money was scarce...

Now, since I'm finished with school ( for like, ever ) I have time. Every week night is mine, and the week ends alike : I'm an adult ! Still living at my parents, yes, but that's the beauty. during the time I have left until I gather enough resources to finaly get my own appartment I can reserve a decent budget for suppies I could not afford back then. For example Styrene is something I now greatly consider for detailing the helmet with panels and greeblies visible in the refferences.

Now to get you up to speed with what I did four years ago : I basicaly bought an eod cast from HyperBalistik, a member of the 405th. It was an unfinished cast that I planed to finish with paint, lights and interior padding. As I got to examin it closer when it arrived I decided to reshape it a bit, to brig it as close as I could to the game model as possible. To do so, I first starter by filling in the low spots, scatered around the helmet geometry with bondo. The I decided to work on the top of the bucket to re sculpt ( also out of bondo ) the sort of " T " shape that is there. Aftert this relatively spread out process ( spanning from december 2012 to the start of this summer ) I ended up with this montrosity xD :



Now this was all fine and dandy looking, with all those wonderfull shades of... ... bondo, but I could'nt see if the surface was nice and pitless anymore ! So I primed it to see where most of the less sanded and smooth areas were, and it looked like that :




I was shocked to say the least, to finaly see shape again, after four years of uglyness. The hemet looked good, but I could see I had stuff to work on again. The is a lot of places where some layers of bodo where not smoothed correctly so I decided to use some spotting putty in the areas in need of leveling ( I bought a new one because the old one was just to hard to work with... I guess four years is to long of a time for this stuff opened ). As of tonight the helmet looks like that :




I'm so happy I can at last get back to this ! Its sitting on my drawer unit in my room, every day I look at it, get a fix of inspiration and go on with my day ! Now as for the future of this project, I will detail the surface accordingly with styrene sheets to match the mutiple reffecences I assembled throughout the years. once the outside is finished, I will go on and instal electronics, breathing apparatus and fans to keep eveything cool. I will create the back brim maybe out of foam or I could always sculpt one out of clay, mold the thing and cast it out of rubber like others on the 405th did ( namely, impact props with thier mark V, comando and recon helmet ). Finaly, to finish the piece, I will create the back brim maybe out of foam or I could always sculpt one out of clay, mold the thing and cast it out of rubber like others on the 405th did ( namely, impact props with thier mark V, comando and recon helmet ). Finaly, to finish the piece, I will line it either in a custom way, or with a motorcycle helmet liner...

Anyway... That's it for tonight, will be posting details of the sanding process this week, ( with pics ) and in the meantime, I will research where I could get styrene sheets for detailing the helmet ! ( mainly by looking on amazon ). If you guys know where to find this stuff and want to drop links and stuff, feel free to do it.

Have a good one, keep building !



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Looking good dude! I love seeing more EOD builds!

Thanks FlyinPhil, I love it too, especialy those like your's, without the air filtering thingys that is.

Now for today's update !

I have to say it was a productive day, I ditched the idea of using styrene sheets to make the details on the top of the helmet and decided to sculpt it using needle files instead !
First I had to sand the spotting putty down and even so that the helmet was smooth again. Then I courageously took a triangle needle file and made my first stroke ! the rest went pretty smoothly. Once I was finished doing that the helmet looked like that :




I mainly worked on recreating the line that diapeared a while back whe I fixed a thin spot breaking on me while sanding with bondo... It's now looking like the left side. Then when I was confident and acurate with the files I started to progrssively carve out the details on the top front brim of the helmet... It was a slow process as I did'nt want to start all over again, so it took me almost 5 hours to sculpt all the lines being carefull I didnt over shoot in tight corners ! TO protect the work and see it better I then sprayed mate gray primer for a second time on the whole thing. It looks like this now :




I must say, I'm pretty pleased with the result. I may go back and tiddy up some of the lines so they look cleaner but, all in all, the next step is the wet sanding !
I'll keep you guys up to date as soon as I get something done :p







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