Halo 3 Sniper Rifle Nerf Mod

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Hi, 405thers! I had an old nerf longshot cs-6 laying in my closet, so i figured i might as well do something halo-ish with it, so i modded it into a sniper rifle. My original plan was to make it a BR, because at the time i decide to build this, i had only just started my crazy journey into the world of armor and prop building. I basicly googled "halo guns" and a picture of a BR came up, and i thought it looked sort of like the longshot because of the rail at the top. In the end it looked more like a sniper, so i left it at that.

Anyways, on to the pics!

step 1) remove the front section of the gun (the section that comes off and becomes another gun), and paint. Here it is all painted.

step 2) make a barrel. i used pvc pipe (i dont know what size) and i sanded it down on one end so it would fit into the end of the longshot. Then i hot-glued on a small wooden dowel, painted the whole barrel black, add the orange tip so i dont get arrested for possesion of firearms, and the barrel extention is done!

step 3) create the end of barrel thingy. i just freehanded it from cardstock, resined and painted it.

step 4) bipod. the longshot already has a bipod, but i bent it way forward to make it more game accurate. (no pics of this)
step 5) assemble, and its finished!



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That looks really awesome! Any other nerf guns that have a chance at being Halo-ized? (is that how you say it?) To me, I think the Switch Shot EX-3 has a small chance of looking like the handgun if it was tampered with.
No, I probably won't mod any more nerf guns. I have a giant square of styrofoam sitting in my room, so ill be making all my weapons out of that from now on.

That, and my little brother won't let me touch any of his precious nerf guns anymore lol.
I would suggest making the barrel a bit longer, perhaps 6-7 inches, and try to support it. I'm not sure if it's the camera angles, but it looks like it's drooping down a bit. Other than that, this makes me want to make one like this rather than pepping it! =P Awesome work!
Thanks Statyk! I went back and fixed the barrel, and extended it a little too, so it looks a lot better now. If you have the gun, paint and PVC pipes, I would say go for it, it's way faster than peping a gun.
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