first post fallout nv ncr ranger helmit cardboard

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New Member
if you have any tips pleas share,

the helmet


the gas mask thing


I plan to resin it then bondo it

this is my first helmet I felt like posting so take it easy on me i'm still new to prop making


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Sweet looking helmet you've got there. I've never played Fallout myself but I always thought the visual elements had a really cool look to them. Great job with the helmet, and it's nice to see someone else working with cardboard too :)
take it easy?! THATS AMAZING!! is that straight up cardboard and glue or is there other materials?

that's very impressive and I for one would buy it if you sold extras.

but how are you going to put the red lens's in the eyes?
thanks, I appreciate it. I used a papercraft template by hugh and printed the parts I wanted.

Yes Ember1 it is just cardboard and hot glue I resiend it today and hope to have some pic tomorrow.

And I don't know about the lens but for now I was just going to use sunglass lens or make sum from plastic.
thanks, I appreciate it. I used a papercraft template by hugh and printed the parts I wanted.

Yes Ember1 it is just cardboard and hot glue I resiend it today and hope to have some pic tomorrow.

And I don't know about the lens but for now I was just going to use sunglass lens or make sum from plastic.

For my lenses I used some mirrored red window tint and lexan that i shaped and heated.
I almost finished resining the helm, I may glass the in side of the helm,


inside the helmet

I am going to make the light thin with a light and laser lust need to find one, and I plan to work on it tomorrow some more if it dussent rain

thank you for the support it makes me want to do more stuff.


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I am actually working on my own project of this, and I was just going to go off of a million pictures scattered on the internet and eyeball it (use no actual sources or bases, just go for it) using modelling clay... I really should make a better base than what I had in mind (I'm not using resin or fiberglass; too hazardous/dangerous), and I think cardboard will work great. Did you use pep files to get the pieces of cardboard from the paper as a template or did you eyeball it or...? I've seen the method used before with this same project elsewhere on the internet, I was just wondering if I overlooked something out there that everyone else seems to have found other than me.
The helm looks fantastic by the way; I'm really looking forward to seeing this project complete (even if it is to help me along with my own project, hehehe).
I am actually working on my own project of this, and I was just going to go off of a million pictures scattered on the internet and eyeball it (use no actual sources or bases, just go for it) using modelling clay... I really should make a better base than what I had in mind (I'm not using resin or fiberglass; too hazardous/dangerous), and I think cardboard will work great. Did you use pep files to get the pieces of cardboard from the paper as a template or did you eyeball it or...? I've seen the method used before with this same project elsewhere on the internet, I was just wondering if I overlooked something out there that everyone else seems to have found other than me.
The helm looks fantastic by the way; I'm really looking forward to seeing this project complete (even if it is to help me along with my own project, hehehe).

I used part of a pep and I think it was a good idea, it looks more simetrical or something like that, and thanks for the compliments
sory for the dilay I had to go on a trip and forgot about the bild will be working on it again this weak end
triple posting :( but I have a pic


just need finish the painting and get the things for the eyes I don't rely want the lights thing thou.


  • 100_3235_by_cyberdemon35-d6n7ybg.jpg
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You don't need to double post OR triple post.
Just press "EDIT" at the bottom of your first post and update it instead.

On another note, your helmet looks really impressive, especially for cardboard, and I was always a fan of the ranger armour. :)
You don't need to double post OR triple post.
Just press "EDIT" at the bottom of your first post and update it instead.

On another note, your helmet looks really impressive, especially for cardboard, and I was always a fan of the ranger armour. :)

thanks for the tip, and the compliment.

update: I have the helmet mostly were I want it, the eyes are done after much testing and stuff but still they look good.



I am going to put it in a art contest so wish me luck!


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do you have a download for this, because i just cant find one. i have a ncr ranger helmet allready downloaded but it looks really hard, so can you link me to that one please?
do you have a download for this, because i just cant find one. i have a ncr ranger helmet allready downloaded but it looks really hard, so can you link me to that one please?
Could you please send me any NCR helmet
PDF you have. Very new to site and confused on how the file sharing thing works
Could you please send me any NCR helmet
PDF you have. Very new to site and confused on how the file sharing thing works
Hello Bro42 . Welcome to the 405th! I see that you are new to the site and I want to give you a heads up on some site etiquette. When searching through the endless resources and threads here in the site, it is important to look at the date of the last post. Generally, if the thread has not been updated in over a year, you can assume that the OP (original poster) is not updating this thread. They may not even be on the forum anymore. This is called "necro-posting" as it "revives" old, dead threads and brings them to the top of the new posts list. This pushes actually active threads down in favor of old threads and is generally considered to be bad form. If you are in a situation like this it is recommended that you message the OP via direct message or begin a new thread for the question.

Please don't feel like you are being chastised, we all got this talk when we got started here on the forum.
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