Spartan1313's Agent Maine (RvB)

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Alright, as I finally scraped together enough money by plowing driveways, I was able to accumulate some money for foam. I picked up 8 floot mats at harbor freight, and 20 sheets of craft foam from Michaels Craft store. I also grabbed two cans of plastidip from Home Depot, I have no idea how far all this will go, but I think this should last me a while. :D

The helmet design I have no idea what I will do. I have two versions pepped out and serving as epic looking lampshades, but I'm not sure if that is the road I intend to follow.

I am going to do my build from the bottom up, because I want my skills with foam to improve as I come to the more vital pieces of the armor. A super clear boot with a bad chest plate would look just a little silly. :p I kinda broke that stupid pinky toe recently, so I cannot start with the boot. I am beginning with the shins, one of which is pictured below. As of now it is just the base shape, and I will add the details with craft foam. I have been having some difficulty with sizing armor. Though my legs are really long, they unfortunately are not very wide, and so I end up with 25cm diameter shins. I did a little reworking to make them fit me, but it was tedious.



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Looks like Agent Maine is in now. Ive seen about three or four (including mine) up on the forums, Maybe its because he ripped the front off a warthog. Either way I wish ya luck looks pretty good already! Oh you said you were staring from the bottom up but I know sarlume made a foam conversion unfold of my Halo 3 Eva unfold if you wanted to talk to her about it.
Looks like Agent Maine is in now. Ive seen about three or four (including mine) up on the forums, Maybe its because he ripped the front off a warthog. Either way I wish ya luck looks pretty good already! Oh you said you were staring from the bottom up but I know sarlume made a foam conversion unfold of my Halo 3 Eva unfold if you wanted to talk to her about it.

Thanks for the offer NoMaybeYes. I may do just that... I dunno. I am not sure how I am going to make the helmet. However I think I should show you the lampshades I mentioned.


I never use those two bulbs... I just lit them up for the 3 seconds to take the photo because it looked kinda cool. The one on the right is resined and fits me, while the one on the left is a too small pep.

I agree Maine/Meta is suddenly popular. I originally just wanted to make an RVB character because I love the show. I at first was thinking Washington or North. Then I saw Maine crush the hood of the Red's warthog and I was just like "challenge accepted" I am primarily going for comfort/functionality with this build, because I want to be able to do some awesome action sequences when I am done. I also figured he is a very modular costume, so I am hoping to make the Season 9 Maine that I can add and remove the Season 10 attachments (scout chest and security shoulders) for comfort.


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So I finished the first leg, and made it's buddy. I decided that I did not want this flopping to my ankles, so I used the teeth from the foam mats to hold the back together close to my leg. the low loop that is at my ankle is just held in place by the pressure on it from the teeth.


They aren't perfectly accurate. I added the little black textured slits to either side of the kneepad because it looked too plain and boring otherwise. I also have the teeth showing on the back, but they make it way more comfortable. I may add a white sheet over them, and/or a little velcro, to hold it a little more securely, but so far I have a full range of motion with it. :D


Here is a photo of it on my leg to show sizing. I am really liking how the foam works overall. Onward and upwards I go!


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Good Idea using the foam teeth as a way to get the armor on and off. Looks a bit too narrow to me but its still a good looking part.
Good Idea using the foam teeth as a way to get the armor on and off. Looks a bit too narrow to me but its still a good looking part.

I am not nearly as muscular as a spartan, but my limbs are almost as long. I agree they look a little flat, but better flat than 4 inches too wide.
erm... has anyone else ever had a hot glue gun explode in their hands? I just wanna know if I am special or if that happens to everyone.
I mean explode. the plastic casing broke along all the seams, a ton of glue poured out, smoke blasted out of it,it made a popping noise, and the lights to my house flickered.

LOL i left mine plugged in and turned on for about 3 days,a cheap $10 one, and inside the gun was rooted with black/yellow burnt glue :) but the casing never broke open and spilled out so i guess you are special :D nice start to your build man, keep it flowin!
Well I got a new glue gun and went back to work. I have completed both thighs and the codpiece. The feel perfectly sized, but they still slide down if I walk with them. I was thinking I could put some velcro on my undersuit... does anyone know if that works?



I am reasonably happy with how they look, I feel that I have gotten better with the foam as I progressed, so I am glad I started with the legs.


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well I have made more progress on agent Maine :) I have the right forearm and right bicep done.

I used the medium definition templates for the forearm, but I freehanded the biceps because the templates didn't really look like what Maine has in season 9. I am just wearing a black long sleeve shirt in the photos, this is not at all my undersuit. I do think I did a pretty OK job with these, what do you all think?




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your build is coming along very nice man. Keep up the good work and watch out for them glue guns man.
A little more progress, I made the matching right forearm.


and a comparison photo:


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I thought of a way to have codpieces be snug and not fall off, I haven't tested it yet but I don't see why it won't work. Around the inside of the codpiece put some foam in there, the kind you put in helmets so it's snug, that way it will be more comfortable (in theory) and it won't fall off due to the foam pushing against you.
I thought of a way to have codpieces be snug and not fall off, I haven't tested it yet but I don't see why it won't work. Around the inside of the codpiece put some foam in there, the kind you put in helmets so it's snug, that way it will be more comfortable (in theory) and it won't fall off due to the foam pushing against you.

That's a good idea. I think what I have is a little more comfortable. The belt fits like you would expect, but the white parts of the codpiece are 2mm craft foam which is really flexible, so it flexes without any problems and fits well.

A little more progress has been made, now at last I can make the chestplate.


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Awesome progress so far. Here's a nice video on attaching foam armor to an under suit by Jeremie over at Armory Props. Hope this helps! :D

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