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I have been reading and decided to make my own suit! I have decided to do the scout permutation of the halo 3 MK VI. :p... thus far i have done the pep work for:
MKVI left bicep, MKVI Cod piece, Scout shoulder plate, both MKVI hand plates, and an assault rifle that ill most likely redo.
I also have a few ideas for the suit as far as aesthetics and cool little details.

Here is my progress thus far,
Printed out:
both MKVI biceps
both MKVI hand plates
Scout helm
both scout shoulder plates
Cod piece

Parts ready for glassing:
Left MKVI bicep
Left scout shoulder plate
both hand plates
Cod piece



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I have run out of cardstock and have to wait till i get a job to continue this suit. so now time for a little about me.
I am in high school, I need a job to fund my suit and am searching every day, i plan on doing more than just this suit and i will be talking about my ideas i mentioned soon.


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OK, here are some of my ideas,
1: magnetic attachments,
EX: on the forearms, i have seen people who use a hinge like setup and Velcro, what about, say hard-drive magnets? they are super high power and instead of a hinge like thing, the forearms would hold together with magnets and to remove them, you just slide the top forward. if this is doable, i wonder if this could be done to hold a weapon to the back of the torso( like how the suit really works or secure a pistol to the thigh)
2:a sound system in the helmet
3: a sound system built into the back of the chest that plays music from my phone( the phone will dock to the chest on the top of the shoulder)
4:some sort of storage case that slides out of the back of the chest. held by magnets.
5:smart LEDs
give me some ideas or your opinion on these things please!!
My opinions...

1. Magnetic attachments: Good in theory, but you'd better have some strong magnets and some light attachments. From experience, even if you're using neo magnets salvaged from a harddrive, it doesn't take much to knock the attachment off; and if you have a sound system built into your helmet, you may not even notice that it was bumped off. Bolts are a better option IMO.

2. Sound system in the helmet: Good idea, depending on the function. If you're trying to set it up so you can better hear what's going on around you, great idea. I'm curious to see your plans for this.

3. Sound system in the suit to play music: I've seen people do this, and I keep asking myself why. I mean, it's your suit and all, but why does it need to play music?

4. Storage case: You'll have to clarify or show plans for this, because I don't quite understand its configuration; I understand the purpose, but I'd like to see some sort of plans. Also, same issue with the magnets. It would suck to have your wallet/ID/any other valuables in that storage case, then have it knocked off and lost.

5. Smart LEDs: You'll have to explain this in more detail.
Well, the smart LEDs are a sticky LED strip and can change colors via remote and is small and compact.
I might not do sound from the suit. Its a lot of hassle from what I see. Its also my first suit, I don't want it overdone.
I'll put more on about the helmet sound stuff. I didn't think of using it to hear better. I might build internal speakers (like a headset) and put a mic near the chin, then put a mic on the outside near the mouth.(the external mic will link to the internal speakers and the internal mic will link to speakers on the sides of the helmet. I'll post some pictures with notes on that soon as far as speaker placement goes. Also, do you know where I could find the scout chest file? I am waiting to see if anyone has it before I opt to MKVI.
Could you suggest a thread with some good ideas for mounting weapons. Thanks!
Okay. so here are some pics for the whole hearing better/speakers thing. after some thought, i have decided that my first suit here does not need to play music. i also have a theory for the whole hearing better while wearing a helmet thing. I also have an idea for being able to talk while wearing the helmet without being muffled.
so, Mic A is inside the helmet and is above the chin, this plays out of speaker A and projects voice better( so you don't have to speak super loud while at a convention or take it off to talk.) then Mic B would be embedded in the chin on the outside of the helmet and you would hear better when talking to people in front of you. (the one on the chin plays through the B speakers inside the helmet) THIS IS ALL IN THEORY.


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Your idea for a mic/speaker system for the helmet sounds quite interesting! I personally don't have any experience with such things to know how well it will or won't work, but it definitely is an intriguing idea, and one I definitely look forward to seeing progress as you continue with your armor! :)
Your idea for a mic/speaker system for the helmet sounds quite interesting! I personally don't have any experience with such things to know how well it will or won't work, but it definitely is an intriguing idea, and one I definitely look forward to seeing progress as you continue with your armor! :)
I have no experience in that stuff either. but i guess ill just have to learn how to. TO GOOGLE!
Here are some more pics. im using the default scale, Low quality MKVI as training until i get money to buy the full Pepakura program and scale it ( ill use the high def suit then) the torso and forarm are built with tape ( for the sake of being not scaled and my test for resin. im going to glass them to save materials and money)


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Just so you know, you don't need the bought pepakura to change the scale. You just need pepakura designer. If you have any more questions about how to scale then just pm me.
I have been doing more reading and I have a few questions.
1.how do i make a visor that has edges EX. The MKVI from halo 3 and how it has those indents in the middle of the visor.
2.Interchangeable visors
3.making a visor that is cracked and looks natural and not planned.
4.retrofitting a jetpack for a h3 MKVI (like in red vs blue)
5.How to do the mic/speaker system i mentioned
I have been doing more reading and I have a few questions.
1.how do i make a visor that has edges EX. The MKVI from halo 3 and how it has those indents in the middle of the visor.
2.Interchangeable visors
3.making a visor that is cracked and looks natural and not planned.
4.retrofitting a jetpack for a h3 MKVI (like in red vs blue)
5.How to do the mic/speaker system i mentioned

For starters....the best way to answer all of these questions is to read, read, read, and then read some more. Also, as it was mentioned earlier, you can scale the pep models using pepakura viewer, you don't need to buy the program for it. Here are some quick outlines though.

1: The easiest way to add the visor detail is to layer two visors together. The inner visor (the one closer to your face once it's on the helmet) will be left untouched. On the outer visor, cut out the details with a dremel, use needle files to clean up the corners of the cuts, and then sandwich it up to the inner visor. An alternative to this is building a plug mold of the visor, and using a vac table and heat to mold a visor from thin polycarbonate.

2: A popular way to mount visors into helmets is to use some epoxy putty to hold a nut or bolt on either side of the visor opening in the helmet. You then drill two (or more depending on the visor shape/ design) holes in the visor to mount it to your epoxied-in nuts/bolts. Using this setup, you could easily swap out visors.

3: Study pics of cracked glass online, then draw out the "cracks" on your visor with some washable marker. Then use a dremel/marking awl/needle files to score the lines into the visor. Lastly, wash off the marker.

4: If you are looking to build the jet pack from reach, download the pep file and build it up to the resin stage. Now you can either add in a spacer behind it than matches up with your chest piece, or you can trim the mounting surface of the jetpack until it matches the chest piece. Personally, i think the spacer would look better, but try to keep the jetpack as snug to the chest piece as possible. You could do all this either using cardstock, and just making your own templates, or you could use eva foam to do the entire jetpack ( would keep it nice and light). I like foam, and would go that route, but its entirely up to you!

5:Read through the " Help for electronics " thread. There's a ton of good info in there.

Good luck with your build!
So in my opinion you aren't going to have too much of a problem hearing in these pep helms. I ride Motorcycles, and even with all the padding and safety features, I have little problem hearing and being heard. That being said, it would be really cool to have a voice alteration set up.

About the visor details, I have see a couple great builds using 2 visors. One cut and laid on top of the other. And mounted using screws

read up on the tuts. there is a lot of GREAT info on this site. Good Luck.

EDIT. Also LOVE the idea of the smart LEDs. that would be really cool.
So in my opinion you aren't going to have too much of a problem hearing in these pep helms. I ride Motorcycles, and even with all the padding and safety features, I have little problem hearing and being heard. That being said, it would be really cool to have a voice alteration set up.

About the visor details, I have see a couple great builds using 2 visors. One cut and laid on top of the other. And mounted using screws

read up on the tuts. there is a lot of GREAT info on this site. Good Luck.

EDIT. Also LOVE the idea of the smart LEDs. that would be really cool.
I'm having trouble finding help with the sound system and an altered voice would be amazing but i have no idea where to begin with voice changing software.
could you link me to some of those threads? i'd like to check them out i have been toying with the idea of smart LEDs but they are so D*** expensive for me. (though it would be super cool to change the color and have the remote mounted on my forearm. i have spent an insane amount of time on this site reading and awe-ing at this site. im also watching Cereal Killer on youtube for how to finish pep work. Hes got some really helpful stuff i learned a lot from him the other day. I still have to get a job to fund this build, once i get a job, i can begin the suit at the right scale.
Mic and Headphone Spec Op set http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/c8e1/

Smart LEDs http://www.ebay.com/itm/5M-SMD-RGB-...672866?pt=US_Car_Lighting&hash=item4170393a22
These need to be reworked for Battery power.

Voice Changer http://www.ebay.com/itm/Novelty-Por...399?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item56448968c7

So what you could do is take the voice changer apart, cut the mic off, use the mic from the spec ops setup, and put a cheap speaker on the front of your armor. I'm no electrician, but I have taken things apart and hodgepodged them together and got them to work. You'll have to do some research on the volts and amps needed for all of this.

also as far as batteries and such. what I would recommend is to do some research into how motorcycle helmets ar wired in to some motorcycles. there are connectors from everything you could imagine, from mics and speakers in the helmet to heating elements in the gloves. What I would do is have a large battery pack in the chest armor somewhere. Then have connections to the other parts of the armor that you want LEDs in. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Thanks for the ideas! this should be interesting if i can make my voice close to the chief. Or at least deeper. ill see if my grandpa can help me with the electronics. i have to get a job before i can continue the suit and i still have to find out why i cant scale my suit.
Ok.so i have found the file for the jetpack from reach... i am still waiting for anything job related to hapen so i can officialy kick off this build. i was also thinking about how im going to deal with the number size issues i had when idid a h4 recon helm as my first build. would it be better to print off the templates on normal paper without the lines so i can see the numbers and print offthe templates without the numbers on the cardstock and use the printer paper one as a number guide? and a note on the electronics, ill ask my grandfather when i get to it. i have also somehow convinced my friend to start his own suit. he has asked me alot regarding the tech and ill have to get him overhere. the build will resume once i get a job (soon i really seriously hope so). thanks for the help so far everyone!!
ok, i had anothe idea. i have a smal 1080p go pro and wonder if i could mount it or use it on the suit. feedback plz!
I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home with my kids and have my wife work. But I feel your pain about having to fund the many projects

As far as the go pro... I'm not sure how you could mount it in a way to incorporate it into the overall appearance of it. I'll have to look at a few armor designs and see what I can think of.

Though why do you want the go pro on there? Don't try and overdo it with all the extra add ons.
I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home with my kids and have my wife work. But I feel your pain about having to fund the many projects

As far as the go pro... I'm not sure how you could mount it in a way to incorporate it into the overall appearance of it. I'll have to look at a few armor designs and see what I can think of.

Though why do you want the go pro on there? Don't try and overdo it with all the extra add ons.
I wanted to but then i decided against it. I posted that thru my Xbox and it was just a thought.there is no good way to incorporate it into a scout helmet.

have you built a suit for your kids?? that would be a fun con-related project.

and as far as funding goes, i am a high school (to be jr) student in summer school bc English 10. lol.

Ill be uploading a few more pics of the low def armor parts soon.

i think my pep program is messed up because it has no ability to scale. i searched every tab and button. but other than that,

I have put together an expense report to see how much I spend in this project. ill be uploading that soon as well.

I also took a look at the links you posted ( i cant do it here at school due to their website blocks) and i think with a little help from my grandfather(tech guy) we could pull it off. I thought about buying a optimus prime voice changer and taking it apart and using that but the stuff you found is better.
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