Halo 5 Spartan Helljumper (Buck) - Pepakura/Paper Build

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Hello all! So I'm starting this new thread as I tried a foam build and while I had some success, it wasn't what I expected. So I opted to go back what I know, which is paper builds. From there i'll reinforce it with fiberglass and resin as this will allow for the detail that my OCD demands when it comes to models and such. So here is the progress on the chest file layout.

Paper 1.jpg
Well here is the first prototype to get an idea of size. After building this version I'm going back to the original model and simplifying it a bit. Should be able to clean it up a bit more and make a simpler build without detracting from the look.
So after the first prototype build, I got to thinking about better ways to get details. So I went back to the original models and started tinkering. In the end I found a way to keep my OCD happy. I know there is a name for this methodology so if someone knows it, speak up lol. Essentially I'm taking detail pieces and breaking them off to their own piece so that the general build can go faster.
From left to right:
Original model, cleaned up model, detached details, details on their own.
Cleanup 1.jpgCleanup 2.jpgCleanup 3.jpgCleanup 4.jpg

Going to be doing this to all the models which should help cut down build time!
I was wondering if I should add those little guys that line the neck, once again you have pushed my motivation levels to "maximum effort" Looks great by the way, cant wait to see that torso complete!
Thanks! I've been cleaning a lot more details off the base back piece. Once I'm done doing that I'm going to go back over the model and see about cleaning up lines and such. I've already been able to clean up quite a few lines and make it simpler/easier to build, without detracting from the look of it. Will make life tons easier going to paper or foam :D
And finally the chest is done! For the...well I've lost count. So I'm just calling this V2 since its the second chest layout, and I'm pretty sure FINAL layout that I will take to prototype! I'm so very glad I decided to go over it with a fine tooth comb because there were object collisions that I completely missed in my earlier versions! I will upload the model file to my mediafire account. For those that are interested here is the link. Helljumper Armor I will also put up the PDO files once I have them laid out.

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  • Chest v2.jpg
    Chest v2.jpg
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You know, I'm just going to stop talking about how many times I'm going to redo this and just accept that I may never finish making it perfect! lol. But I also wanted to let everyone know, that I thought about it and not everyone uses Metasequoia for their model editing. So once my product license goes thru, I will be exporting my model files to OBJ to help with others that may want to start off with base models. So stay tuned!

I will be uploading the latest version of my chest build to my mediafire, then starting over with the breakdown in Pep because I found even more stuff to fix.

Cheers and hope that everyone has a great weekend!
I just started building my helljumper helmet today, and though I plan on keeping it only as a helmet, I might change my mind later and take you up on those files!
Ok well the name of the game is revisions. However I'm pretty sure I am now getting close to being able to complete a layout without finding another bug lol. I also have exported the model files to OBJ so anyone can grab them and do whatever they want :)

Here is the link to the parent archive. Helljumper files

Working on the layout of the chest again and hope to finish in a few days, then on to simplifying the other pieces to build!

And without further delay, the completed chest layout!

Helljumper V2 Completed.jpg

I have uploaded it to the V2 folder under PDO files in my mediafire. See earlier posts for the link! I have also uploaded the simplified version that this is built on.as well. It is located under model files, V2 as well.

Now on to others which should be quick consider they are much less complicated.

Cheers and Merry Christmas!
Thanks StayFrosty! I'm hoping the build will look as great as the rendering so that it will quell my OCD. So over the last few days, and thanks to the awesomeness that is CommanderPalmer, I was able to take her Combat Knife, from Halo 5, and size it to fit sheath from the original model export of the Helljumper armor. As you can see below.
View attachment 34466
However, I found that it was only the hilt and sheath.

So now here is a complete build of the knife, and sheath for all to use and enjoy!
Knife 1.jpgKnife 2.jpg

As usual the PDO and OBJ files have been uploaded to my mediafire.

Cheers and Happy Holidays all!
Thanks Camjay! So after talking to Chernobyl, the god of source files, I now have all the pieces I need for the undersuit! Vivablake89 has done some fantastic things with some base templates that I was able to do, but these model files will allow for drastically better detail, and accuracy. Also provides the neck piece to match the helmet, so should be awesome!
Killing it as usual, yet again I must tip my hat to you sir, these are amazing! Can't wait to get to work on these, I just hope I don't disappoint.
OK so finally finished up the forearm layout. Again have a few ideas and have noted them in the build file. As always the files have been uploaded to my mediafire account.
Left Forearm.jpg
Oh, also forgot to mention that I purchased a Silhouette Cameo 3. One way or another this should be able to cut out my patters, saving me tons of time, and cramping of the fingers! Once I get a successful export done i'll be sure to post the results!
And the shoulder is done! Since getting the chest and forearm out of the way, these are going by much faster!

I'm hoping I can start going to prototype soon on all of these pieces.

I also tested out the Cameo printer today and I gotta say HOT DAMN! That thing is going to save soo much time! Wish it could more than one page at a time, but oh well! Still saves me from cramped fingers!

Whoof, this piece was fun! One step closer to sizing and prototyping...YAY!
Anyway, I bring you the shin pieces.

Now on to the thighs, then the undersuit pieces.

Gralt, you're amazing! You're unfolding these so fast, hard to keep up.
As for the shin, don't you rather think it would be better to use a real military-styled pouch instead of pepakura?
It would look more real, but it would also be more practical - you could carry something in there.
Just a suggestion.

- Palmer
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