Cardboard... Assault Rifle! Back In Progress!

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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!!
I just got back in working with my Assault rifle, Here is a video of the progress:

Thanks for hanging in there guys!


Since i have been getting alot of nasty comments on my resculpt... (on being stupid and not needing any skill to do... mostly my fault of not being honest with you guys though...)
After trying all type of media... pepakura... clay and alot of other stuff... (moldmaking materials pending since i cannot find a retailer).
I decided to go back from where i started from! CARDBOARD!!! example of my previous work:

Okay not much happened i just smoothed out my 1 entire side of my weapon with bondo and added 2 coats of resin to make sure it's goin to be strong (note i need to smooth out those 2 resin layers with a sander now... then it's completely smooth) i also added primer to see the places that need work. i also need to purchae a dremel to make it perfect...
Can you cut out metal with a dremel? and... could i have one of those funny nicknames like... i dont know... Cardboard master?

Latest images:



Hard work Hallelujah!!! my hard work has paid off and i'm finally finished with cardboard. now i just need to add resin coats and bondo!!!
Update 4 Images:




I'm sorry i havent updated in a while. It's because even tough i have used alot of work and time to make the rifle what it is. It still doesnt make such a big visual difference until i got primer added to show off more of the details. But here are the newest images.
update 3.1 Images:

And... I cAn HaZ w3aPonZ?

i will release a 'tutorial' (follow up) on how i did this Ar.

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How come you made a CB ar? You made a nice pepakura AR I thought. Anyway, it looks good, keep it up!
AoBfrost said:
How come you made a CB ar? You made a nice pepakura AR I thought. Anyway, it looks good, keep it up!
I'm making the cardboard AR to:

A: Get all the details that i could'nt accomplish in the pepakura
B: To prove people that i'm not always using pep or resculpting (making cheap copies of something.)
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But couldnt you just add detail to pepakura yourself like you do with cardboard? I do pep all the time and people dont look down upon me because of it. Also, I never thought your resculpts were bad, I liked them, they were just a bit bumpy though.
smilie120 said:
Doesent look very 3d. Looks good though.

Oh i'm adding more CB to get the 3D so far i'm just doing the top template. I'm also adding poster board for finer details.
Should i make a removable clip?

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That looks really nice! Personally, I would not have the mag removable. Just another piece of the costume to fall off and lose LOL
Dark Rogue said:
If you made it removable, you'd have to have a mechanism inside the gun to keep the clip inside.

I could create a 'squeeze' to fit clip... lol

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Finnish_Spartan said:
I could create a 'squeeze' to fit clip... lol


You could use some neodymium magnets at the top of the mag well and magazine. Just make sure you have the polarity right before you glue them in.
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smilie120 said:
Thats not realy an update you just kinda drew over it......Looks kwel though :p keep it up.

u dont actually believe how much i updated my rifle from the 1st topic.
All the blue areas are intends, meaning i did alot of work cutting out everything and adding untop of each other, you would see it better if i added primer.

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Finnish_Spartan said:
u dont actually believe how much i updated my rifle from the 1st topic.
All the blue areas are intends, meaning i did alot of work cutting out everything and adding untop of each other, you would see it better if i added primer.


aaahhh! I see! Any more progress? Looks awsome! Sorry for the misunderstanding!
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it looked ok before you put the blue marker on . all i have to say is that you compleitly mest it up with the blue marker
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllll :)
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