Reaction score

  • happy b day man made all your armor wishes come true.
    Hey ! Look at my lid. its your CQC helmet in kevlar and fuel tank polyester resin and 5mm plug molded lexan all with a metal anti-emf liner. only 2 years work and still to plumb in a rebreather in the chest tank and hud in the visor. peristaltic pump for circulated cooling over peltier plates in the back pack wall ~(yet to 3d cff) ....and the list goes on.... anyway thanks for your base pep download. 80)
    i am currently getting my reach build off the ground and was wondering what sizing you used on the default of your V3 reach chest for what size person i mean. i look forward to your response and thank you for your time.
    I have been oogeling at your model of the reach sniper rifle for bout 6 months now and have finally gotten off my butt and i am giving it a shot, ill tell ya tho it makes me crosseyed after an hour or so but it will be sooo worth it. Thank you again for your hard work into this model
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Ya, Ive been inside Bungie Studios... what about it?
Nov 22, 1986 (Age: 38)
Elkhart, IN
I work at Notre Dame
Xbox Live Gamertag


Don't export my models from pep designer without my permission. Just to clarify: You can download and use my files to build your pep, just dont download my files and export them so you can edit them.
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