booyaalex Jul 23, 2020 The gameplay reveal for Infinite got me looking forward to this fall! Definitely the best news I've heard all year
The gameplay reveal for Infinite got me looking forward to this fall! Definitely the best news I've heard all year
booyaalex Jul 9, 2019 Majority of the ODST is done. Just waiting on the shins to print so I can glue, sand and paint everything together. So excited!
Majority of the ODST is done. Just waiting on the shins to print so I can glue, sand and paint everything together. So excited!
booyaalex Jun 28, 2019 Currently rushing to 3d print and foam craft an ODST uniform for Outpost Discovery in Philly! Wish me luck! #halooutpostdiscover #halo
Currently rushing to 3d print and foam craft an ODST uniform for Outpost Discovery in Philly! Wish me luck! #halooutpostdiscover #halo