I'm no good a writing, so here's a quick rundown about me:
-I'm an aspiring arts student, looking at colleges in design
-I do a lot of small building myself, using my own methods of cardboard, hot glue, duct tape, etc.
-I love drawing, and do a lot of character/armor design in my free time
-I play Dungeons and Dragons as a PC in one party, and a DM of my own game
-Halo has always been one of my favorite universes, even though I don't get to play the games much anymore
-I've always admired the 405th's work, and decided that I would try it myself- and my first build is going to be for a school project!
Drawing, building, D&D, Gaming (Halo, Half-life, Portal, Skyrim, Minecraft, etc.), Homestuck