2nd Suit - Goal FanExpo Portland 2025


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Well just recently returned from Rose City Comicon in Portland this last weekend.

I am inspired not by just the pure love and joy that is Cosplay, but mainly things I've never seen or done before.

This has led me to making my next armor suit for the 405th.

I am not giving it all away; and will release photos as I go. However the big RUVeal is set for opening day 2025 FanExpo!

Here is a taste of what's to come.

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First pieces printed and Primed
then I added a Metallic base for multiple reasons; mostly for Damage later!

Also, based on my first armor suit... I e decided to thicken this one up; so I'm running 25% walls vs my 16% last time. Hopefully this leads to sturdier action

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