A Reminder of Etiquette and Expectations at events.


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello Pacific Regiment!

This thread will go through the rules of conduct for representing the 405th at Pacific Regiment events. This is especially good information for our new members to be familiar with before attending a 405th event, but it’s not a bad idea for you well-seasoned members to have a refresher. Much of this information was stated by former Pacific RCO Dagger06, and to ensure we are clear it is up to date I am restating it.

Rules of Conduct

Official Community Guidelines, Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy of Movie Prop Sites can be found here:
New Community Guidelines, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy - All Please Read

When Appearing in 405th Capacity

Please read the 405th Event Guidelines. This page covers requesting a 405th appearance, event organization, appropriate events, issue management, event member minimums, handler information, rules on event compensation, behavior, commercial business, charity funds, and raffles.
405th Event FAQ

I’d like to highlight a key snippet from the page linked above:

Event Behavior

Members appearing at a Public Event are representing the entire 405th and all its members. As such, it is expected that all members making an appearance at an official event ensure that they put their “best foot forward” by making sure their gear is in good repair and is clean and presentable to the general public.

There are several additional guidelines members should abide by:
  • Be courteous and respectful of fellow fans and costumers
  • Do not handle another person's props/costumes without their permission
  • No 405th member is obligated to participate in any photoshoot they do not wish to be a part of
  • Do not solicit 343i/Halo/Microsoft or any other organization for free items, line priority, event entry, etc.
405th Pacific members must abide by the rules of conduct when at conventions and events. Failure to abide by these rules may result in removal and barring from future events under the arm of the 405th Pacific Regiment.

When Appearing in Official 343i Capacity
I’d like to direct you to some information about appearing at official 343i/Halo/Microsoft events. These rules were originally posted by Spartan II:

343i occasionally invites 405th members to be on stage at conventions or to be an official part of their booth. During those times we are representatives of 343i and must abide by their "Spartan rules" which include the following:
  • Act in a professional and 'Spartan' manner
  • No overly aggressive poses.
  • No submissive poses
  • No "Victory Crouching"/Tea-bagging
  • No pointing guns at fans, 'assassination' photos, hostage photos, etc. Tasteful pictures only.
  • Spartans may NOT remove their helmet. Spartans must exit the official area if they require a break. ODSTs and Marines are allowed to remove helmets.
  • When backstage at a panel, lights must be turned off or covered and noise devices disabled so as not to distract from the panel.
  • Do not harass special guests.
Gathering organizers may at times ask 343i to set aside posters, etc. for members busy with a photoshoot. Please designate one representative speak to 343i for these situations instead of coming up individually. In order to maintain good relations with 343i, this rule will be strictly enforced and any members found using their costumes in an attempt to gain special privileges will not be welcome at future 405th events. 343i already gives us many gifts and considerations of their own accord and it is rude to keep asking for more. If you are here for special perks, you are here for the wrong reasons.

Please keep in mind that the 405th continues to evolve and requirements are subject to change. Of course, I will update you when needed.

On a personal note:

Hey let's have a quick chat about being our charming, delightful selves. Remember, even when the clock says event's over, your actions are still speaking volumes about our fantastic community. So, be courteous during events, including after official hours, as your actions reflect on the community.

Before you dive into conversation, give your brain a quick test: are your comments true, kind, and necessary? If not, maybe save them for your next stand-up routine or private moment. We're all about showing off our awesome achievements with the 405th, encouraging interest in creating props and costumes, and spreading joy to Halo fans. So, let’s keep the vibe positive and productive.

We're aiming to create an inclusive environment that values all members and encourages respectful conversations. Think of it like a Halo mission: everyone's got a role, and we all win when we work together. So, let’s suit up and make all our events a blast!

I hope that we will follow the rules and guidelines stated above so we can be as successful as possible in doing that. We want to do all of this while committing to creating an environment that places value in all its members from all walks of life. We will encourage respectful conversations and healthy discourse as avenues to realizing our full potential within the 405th’s values of UNITY, ARMOR, and HONOR!

Keep being the incredible folks you are, and let's spread joy like confetti! Looking forward to seeing all your amazing creations and having a great time.

Catch you soon,

This post was co-created by N8TEBB, RCO -Canadian Regiment . Many key points covered were inspired from posts made by Dagger06 and SPARTAN II , Former RCO’s of the Pacific and Canadian Regiment respectively.
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