All good things come to an "End": End of my run as Midwest RCO- Effective 2025


Division PR
Division Staff
Member DIN
2019 kicked off an amazing journey for me, starting at Halo: Outpost Discovery and following me through the pandemic with online meetups, crafting nights, and build weekends. Now, we’re back to in-person events, and I couldn’t be prouder of the presence we’ve established at places like PKCC, C2E2, TORG, CGC, and local gatherings. It’s been fantastic to connect with other communities like Mantic, the broader miniature scene, HCS/HaloWC, and our efforts with Extra Life and soon, Gamers Outreach. Looking back at these past five years, it’s been quite a whirlwind (and it’s hard to believe it’s already been that long)!

Now, here comes the big/sad news: it’s time for me to pass the torch. I’ve helped transform our little corner of the community from what felt like a dwindling group into the most active and vibrant area of the 405th. We cover a lot of ground, and I’ve been truly grateful to work alongside so many amazing people to energize our states and the community as a whole. It’s a bit surreal to think I started this journey as a young adult, and here I am now, about to get married in just a few months, living with my partner and herd of ragdolls, and creating incredible memories through event travels with all of you.

So, what’s next? It’s pretty straightforward! We’ll be opening up RCO voting at the beginning of 2025 to find someone new to fill my shoes. For our region to keep growing, it’s essential to bring in new perspectives and fresh ideas. Can I come back to the role someday? Absolutely! But I’ve witnessed so much growth and so many fantastic people entering our space that I think it’s best to give someone else a fair shot at this role, with the possibility of doing things in their own unique way.

Voting will follow our usual timeline, lasting about a month to allow for appointments and any Q&A sessions if there’s more than one candidate. I’m here to ensure a smooth transition for whoever takes over. I've already started reaching out regarding 2025 events, keeping in mind that I would be the main point of contact temporarily while a new person steps in next year.

As for my next steps? I’ll still be around as part of the 405th staff as the Division Public Relations! Stepping down from this role will give me more time to focus on enhancing our online presence and social media engagement. You all do such incredible work, and I want to ensure I’m celebrating and showcasing your efforts properly. I’ll also be working to create more game nights, craft nights, and charity opportunities for our community.

In closing, I just want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for being part of this incredible journey! I’ve met some truly wonderful people in this community and can’t wait to keep meeting new faces, hang out with friends I’ve already made, and create more lasting memories together. It’s humbling to think this all started back in 2014 with a gray and red Recon Pepakura build (that met its fate under a TV not long after) to where we are now.

Be kind to yourselves and to each other, and I'll see you all online or in person soon!

- Noble
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> about to get married in just a few months,

Congratulations! No finer reason to step down while in your prime, but to focus on family. Family first, always!
I nominate MNKr for RCO, i hate to see noble go for now but im sure he will be back. i do want to say Congrats to noble on taking the big step.. i agree its always good to have fresh eyes to grow but the minute noble wants to come back i can say im sure we would all vote him back in a min. we all love ya brother and we all hope to see ya at some of the cons...
He will sadly be missed :cry:

....What do you mean he's still here?
....He's behind me isn't he?

Go enjoy your wedding and family time, the folks of Midwest will keep the train rolling, and I'm sure we'll see you at a few cons this year ;)
Welcome to the former RCO club!
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