Alucard WIP

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Erm... granted that this is kinda strange to be posting on the 405th, but that is why it is in the general discussion, no?

Ok, my brother got me into the Hellsing series at the beginning of the year. I eagerly watched the anime and OVA (disappointed that they still need to finish the OVA), and devoured the manga online last weekend (I'm planning on getting all 10 volumes).

Then a few weeks ago I was planning on working on making yet again another suit of Halo 3 MkVI Armor (link in my sig), but my brother gave me the idea of dressing as Alucard for Halloween. The armor shall be delayed for Alucardness! For those of you who don't know who Alucard is(shame on you :)), here is a picture. Also look on google images.

Anywho: here are my supplies:


Tentative 1:5.6 scale pattern:


The pattern (made out of paper) fits on my 12" Data action figure so far... let's keep our fingers crossed, eh?
Sounds intresting this could have gone in the general costuming discussion area. However I will offer some advice. On eBay they do sell the Alucard costumes for about $100 I think you get everything but the boots, glasses, eye contacts and the guns, I think I have the gun pep file if you want that option, I also know a seller on Cosplay that sells the pistol for 60 I think and is a good friend of mine. Wise thinking to use a bedsheet for the red fabric.
Aww i was thinking SotN Alucard, which would be a more involved costume me thinks, but This Alucard is still cool! good luck, i cant wait to see how it comes out :)
I'm following my own motto "cheap as possible", so a $100 red duster would be out of the question. I probably won't do the guns (at college, you know).
For the boots I'm hoping my parents can ship me an old pair I have, and I'll buy some boot toppers (Wally-worlds to the rescue!). I have the vest almost done (needs to be a little longer), I'll post pics sometime. I already made a jacket pattern (as you can see), so I'm all set, just need to break out the needle and thread!
FYI, probably the vest and duster are going to be a part of my permanent wardrobe, just because they are so darn cool. I'm unsure about the hat though...
Well... for the boots I'm just going to have to make something to slip over my feet, not too hard.

Just did the hardest part of the entire costume:

Oh, and here's the coat... its a little wrinkly. I'll fix that.

Now I just need a wig (Or hair dye) from Walmart. I'm gonna bike the 8 miles tomorrow, I hope it isn't windy. Seriously,one time I was biking along, thinking "hmm... its a bit windy" then a plastic bag flew by about 50 feet in the air. Last time I had to stop every 10 minutes because there was so much wind resistance. Turned a 40 minute trip into a 2 hour one... :(
Update- currently wearing: coat, vest, tie, dress shirt, wig, goggles, and homemade (cheap) fangs.
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