An Indefinite Leave From The 405th


Member DIN
My friends,

It is with great sadness, and great frustration I make this post. Due to events that have occurred within the 405th, and disagreements with the ruling Division staff I have chosen to make this call. Effective as of the submission of this post I am taking an indefinite leave from the 405th.

I'll see some of you at C2E2, but outside of that I can't say when I'll be back. So stay safe, all of you, and keep making amazing costumes!

Sigma, over and out.

See you all starside spartans.
You're pretty much the reason I'm here, man. I'm gonna miss ya, but I respect your decision. I hope we can can keep in touch
It's always been fun hanging out with you and thank you for all you did for Harvest, Midwest, and the rest of the community. I hope you keep doing great things and I hope to meet up with you at some point. Keep in touch on any cool stuff you get up to!

You are one of the first people I connected with after I joined this group. It saddens me to see you go. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the 405th. I hope to see you return one day. Until then, keep in touch and I hope to see you around.

Axios, Spartan

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