Appleseed Ex Machina - Deunan Knute - Digital fabrication

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This is my first cosplay build post on this forum. Im not even sure this is the correct forum to post this, but I found this place by finding Toja and his appleseed build thread. So Im posting it here for now. Im making Deunan Knute.

Im using or reusing and in some cases modifing the 3D models I have found and in others making my own. I can model just fine, but Im a strong believer in reuse and I will share everything I make so others can benefit as do I.

So please tell me if you are the original author of some of these models so I can attribute credit where credit is due.

I thought I would start on her rifle, so I took the PDO that Toja posted, converted it to 3DS and imported into sketchup so I can manipulate the model. I am going to mill the bulk of it in a rather large CNC machine in styrofoam and then 3D print all the parts that are not practical to print.

This was my reference from the action figure I purchased on ebay:


This was the render as I converted from the pepakura:


Because the mill can only cut in 2D i need to remove any overhangs from the model. Its then split in half, each side is carved into styrofoam then the sides glued back together. I will 3D print the barrel and rails as they are small enough.


I have to send this to someone to mill for me, as I dont own a CNC mill yet. So in the meantime I have started slicing up her sword for 3D printing:


I print in ABS, so its easy to cut up a model into multiple parts then glue back together:



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You're in the right place for a Work In Progress (WIP) thread :]
Looking forward to your build, I loved the Appleseed movies!
one of the greats movie of CGI ever now I just want to know is this from the end or the beinging. i'm having trouble with my disc so I can't check. but i'll follow this.
I have started printing out the sword. I modified the model I got from the pepakura file so the blade now has an edge. I will upload it on thingiverse once I finished.

I print in ABS plastic, which is pretty strong, but since the blade is so thin, I am using acetone to weld(melt) the parts together to ensure it wont break when we play with it. Basically I have a dish which i fill with acetone, soak the part in it so it melts a little then glue together. Its basically a weld, its probably stronger than the printed part itself.

I could stick a rod down the centre, but I like to keep things light and Im convinced the ABS will be strong enough on its own.



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Hey, you know what else works really well to weld ABS plastic? GO to your local hardware store and pick up ABS/PVC/CPVC pipe cleaning solution. It works basically as a universal solvent for most polymer pipe compounds, dissolving the outer layer of the plastic like acetone except doing so in a slightly more consistent way. I used this method to make my VSS Vintorez for STALKER cosplay and airsoft games, my BR55-HB battle rifle (which held up to my 280lb girth faceplanting on top of it in a giant pile of rocks at full sprint), and a nifty little original design I came up with for a sidearm. ABS is a great material and I'm glad I'm not the only one who seems to think so.

Also, Appleseed is *bad ass*.
Welcome April Storm, will be very good to have Deunan around here, I'll be following your progress I have the feeling that this will be epic.
The corresponding credits are for 3D artists
Dung0beetle: Head Briareos.
Lord Harnor: Chest, shoulder and forearm.
Lord C2: calf and shoe.
Lord Throttlekitty: rifle and submachine Briareos, Deunan Weapons and armor.
Thanks Toja, I was a bit confused, and obviously will update the thread with attribution to the various artists.

Anyway, I finished printing the sword, I think it worked out pretty good. This model was originally produced by ThrottleKitty. Im more than happy to share the STL files I used to print this if anyone is interested. It basically breaks it up into small enough sections to print on a regular sized reprap.



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I finished printing a Seburo m5 Technically this isnt the most common pistol for Deunan in the movies, though she is seen using one for the TV series, so thats good enough for me until such time as I model something to match her movie outfit closer.



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I finished these two parts off, and am now moving onto some of the body armor



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I have started work on the arm armour, thanks to files originally from the 3D artist "throttlekitty". Having access to these files has made my life so much easier, as it just becomes the case of making the models solid for printing.


I had all sorts of problems with my printer which has slowed down my progress.


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A bit more: Now Im trying to work out how the shoulders work out, the ones I printed first where just a bit too small so Im just making them a tad bigger. Hence the problems of going from a anime figure to a real world person.



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Woah, nice progress. What steps do you take between printing and painting? Do you just sandpaper it?
I will take some pics when I finish the shoulder pads. But its a combination of sanding, acetone, acetone vapor and sometimes just plain filler, especially when there are gaps in the print. I find with bigger abs parts this can sometimes happen where the model curls a little on the edges.

Also I got my CNC 3040 delivered yesterday so I will be able to start milling the bigger parts like the rifle.
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