Past few days have been rather messy. Once when I was set to go to print a receiver, it started off, I went to bed and then about an hour later checked my printer to find this:
View attachment 327182
With that gore I needed to clean, I started performing surgery in front of a live audience. Took most of the kit apart and then heated the head up to peel away the buildup, only to have a couple of the leads to the head break. Rats. Strangely, Anker included a spare head assembly with my printer, so I slapped that in and off we were. After troubleshooting some slicer issues with supports, I was back at it again to get the receiver done. After a slower and longer start, we had that part done.
View attachment 327184
The next print was the smartlink and flashlight attachments, which went off well. While it was going on, I sat down making clips of the game and how it reacts to try figuring out where the cuts in the weapon will be so I can have a slide/magazine/handguard/etc. Maybe if I go down some of this slicing route I can also have a setup for a gunfighter (no smart link or handguard). Though after printing, the scale is weird, as there's probably no way to fit a 12.7x42mm cartridge up through the magazine, let alone have the mag have 12 cartridges in the first place. The closest thing to this is the .500 S&W, a giant revolver cartridge, which isn't the style of what this thing uses. We will see what I can do with it. For now, I need to wait for the weather to get a bit nicer so I can do some sanding/assembly. Anyone have suggestions for glue/adhesive and magnets for stuff?