Armorsmith sizing not saving


New Member
I have all my basic measurements down and I can change those perfectly fine, but for some reason the foot circumference size is locked at a minimum of 290mm. That size is ridiculous, mine is only 230mm and no matter what I try it won't save the new value. Please help
Hey there!

Could you please elaborate? Are you saying that your foot adjustments will not save, even when you manually add the values here:
and then save the avatar under the top left "Avatar" > "Save Avatar" ?

Personally, I never rely on the Armorsmith foot measurements and measure my shoe size manually using a block.
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Don't even worry about foot measurement. You're not going to wear armor on your foot: You're going to be wearing a boot so that's all that matters.
Just put in a boot model, sized to match your real boot.

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