Hello ladies and gents. Since it is my first creation related topic I think it's okay to say a few words about myself. I'm Martin, I'm 23 YO and I live in Poland . Making props was always some kind of dream to me but last time (like 7months ago) I decided to make the dream come true and after around 90h of research, design, redesign and actual work I present my very first WIP - vambrace from AC II. This one is more based on concept arts rather than ingame footage. Hope I will be able to finish it before summer and sell a couple of those because that's what I plan to do - professional props for sale. I even thought about doing something on kickstarter because I don't have enough money right now but... maybe later. I'm just another guy and I won't be able to convince people I'm the right person they want to invest in . Anyways this is one of two things I wan't to do for a living. ETA - 5th of July. I don't know how much I want to say about this right now but if u have any questions feel free to ask ^^. Oh and sorry about my english if there's anything hard to understand . Me english no good xD.
My deviantArt
My deviantArt