Baby’s First Mjolnir


New Member
Hey guys, I’m Sparkle and my goal is to eventually build a 3D printed Linda-058 set. Right now I’m just doing a proof-of-concept cube to get a hang for the sanding and painting process but in running into some issues that I’m wondering if anyone knows how to fix, namely:
1. Filler-primer sanding inconsistently, leading to some spots just flaking off and a pitted texture I don’t really like (possibly due to bubbles from applying it?)
2. Certain spots are oddly hydrophobic, ie it repels paint which is obviously not good for a consistent coat and
3. Bubbles in paint and filler-primer, which in sure is just me being bad at spray paint but if anyone has tips to avoid that I’d really appreciate it

If anybody know how to prevent this I would really appreciate it!
My first recommendation for new members is always to take some time to browse through the Tutorial Index. A lot of members have spent a lot of time documenting their tips, tricks, and techniques, and spending a small amount of time reading through these threads will save you countless hours and a lot of money in materials potentially wasted.

As for your specific questions:

There are as many ways to smooth 3D printed Parts as there are members here, and everyone has their preferred method and process. Many of these are covered in the Tutorial Index.

It is possible that your issues 1 and 3 are related. When you say Filler Primer, are you talking about an aerosol/rattle can/spray Filler Primer, or do you mean Spot Putty? For the spray paint version, you want to make sure that the can is thoroughly shaken and mixed, warming the can in a bath oh hot water or running it under a hot tap can also help with a smoother application, and do light, smooth passes, applying thing coats from a distance of 6 to 10 inches. For filler or spot putty, you want to apply it in thin coats and allow it to thoroughly dry and off gas, otherwise the acetone that is the thinner in the material will still be present and will cause issues with paint.

The parts of the print that are having noticeable paint adhesion problems, are they bottom parts of your piece that were in contact with your bed, and do you use any extra product to attempt to promote bed adhesion, like a spray or glue stick? Some people do, and these adhesives can cause issues with paint adhesion. Washing your piece with soap and warm water, and then allowing it to thoroughly dry can give you the best surface for paint adhesion.
Right now I’m just doing a proof-of-concept cube to get a hang for the sanding and painting process
Awesome way to start: Skills first

Filler-primer sanding inconsistently

Did you sand first? Prints right off the machine tend to be ... uh... sealed? Smooth, glossy, non-porous. However you want to phrase it there's not much for the paint to grab ahold of. Paint and adhesives tend to grab so much better to a surface that has been roughed up a bit.

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