Battlefield 2142 EU Soldier Part 2


New Member
My last thread was closed because I was lazy and hadn't posted anything in a while.

But I've been at it and started getting majority of the foam pieces together.

As it stands I've got the shins and thighs done.


Currently working on the chest piece and shoulders. The chest still needs some detailing and some more painting. Still need to figure out how to make the collar for the chest. Shoulders need to be mounted properly.

I am having some issues attempting to cut out a collar and having it match the curves of the chest while I'm wearing it.
And due to it being a smaller opening than the chest part, I don't know how I will achieve putting on the chest piece with an in-place collar.

After all the foam I'm still having trouble finding BDU pants and a combat top that closely match the in game camo.

Truspec has an Urban camo BDU pant and Combat top but it looks far more black than it does white.

EU Assault Heavy Armor.png

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