Beremus Pepakura Armor [Arm Finished]

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Jr Member
Hey all!
I started today my pep helm and my left bicep. I just want to know if it's the correct scale because, I don't want to resin it before it's perfect.

I'll do the rest of the armor one piece each day and this week, i'll do the chest.

Thanks for good comment!

NEW PICS AVAIBLE ON attached files[attachment=1463:IMG_0461.JPG]
Unless your resining right away, you might want to put the visor back in.
It's gonna warp like those twisted cartoons that come on early morning.
Timmy2guns said:
Unless your resining right away, you might want to put the visor back in.
It's gonna warp like those twisted cartoons that come on early morning.

Exactky what I was thinking when I saw the pics.
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Timmy2guns said:
Unless your resining right away, you might want to put the visor back in.
It's gonna warp like those twisted cartoons that come on early morning.
do you mean without the paper visor in there it will warp? :mad:
means i gotta stick mine back in
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I think it looks pretty good. Hard to tell cause you have that sweatshirt on. If anything it is just barely too small, but like I said that might just be the sweatshirt..
Timmy2guns said:
Unless your resining right away, you might want to put the visor back in.
It's gonna warp like those twisted cartoons that come on early morning.
What do you mean by its gonna warp? You mean if i leave it by itself w/o doing anything, w/o putting resin or what, it will crumple?
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By having the visor in when you resin, it gives the helmet more support to reduce warping. You will likely resin the helmet in sections. Imagine the paper covering of a straw that you've compressed and crumpled when you removed the straw. Then you place a drop of water on it. The once compressed piece of paper expands and the folds relax, and the once compressed little ball of paper is now a floppy mess on the table. Translate that to the helmet. By resining with the visor in place there is more support for the helmet on whole to reduce the amount of warping that will take place once the cardstock gets wet.

If anyone has a better explanation, please feel free to add on.
Attach the visor right away, the weight of the cardstock will kill itself over time, and when resining, it really doesnt help, the visor is a important peice that maintains the overall shape of the helmet, after resining inside and outside, you can cut it out, then you can fiberglass the inside, easier so yoju dont fiberglass the visor, no point in glassing it since you will just toss it away.
AoBfrost said:
Attach the visor right away, the weight of the cardstock will kill itself over time, and when resining, it really doesnt help, the visor is a important peice that maintains the overall shape of the helmet, after resining inside and outside, you can cut it out, then you can fiberglass the inside, easier so yoju dont fiberglass the visor, no point in glassing it since you will just toss it away.
thanks because without that info my armor will look bad!
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SOLIP5IL said:
When i resin do i resin the visor also? Won't the visor be hard to cut out after that?

nah, just add some resin around the visor, if you get it on the visor no big deal. Just work around it. You shouldn't have any problems
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LOL srry all!

My cam would not open so, I need to buy some batteries before, you'll need to wait few hour now :D
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