Best clear coat for sealing paint on foam pieces


hey all, ive always stuck to rustoleum matte clear coat or even some hobby clear matte laquer spray paints to seal the paint on my foam pieces and give it a final matte finish. However these paints are more for solid plastics so it does tend to crack on flexible foam armor. Interestingly my ODST thigh pieces were plastidipped and clear coated with a mr hobby clear coat and never cracked despite me sitting on it for 8 hours. Plastidip was the probably the key but im not crazy about using it. What kind of clear coat do you all use for foam armor to protect the paint and maybe give it a matte finish? Ive checked the tutorial threads and only found stuff on sealing foam.
I'm not a foam guy but...
FYI: Plastidip does make a clear coat specifically to go with their other paints.
Then there is HexFlex which is a deliberate flexible paint pretty much targeted at foam cosplayers.

PlaidFX is another purpose-made flexible that also has metallics

Montana Colors has a few colors of their own "Multi-purpse vinyl spray" which I think is their form of platidip but includes 2 metallics

I'd bet nearly any of those would work with the Plastidip clear coat.
I've tried PlaidFX, I couldn't get it to go on evenly over the cheap foam I was using. It may have been a brush issue too, but there were still very visible strokes visible even after 4 coats.

My armour is entirely foam besides the helmet. I use plastidip before paint, and then seal it with rustoleum just like you do. Some pieces have wrinkling, but it's not extreme. It blends in with the battle damage just fine. If anyone lese responds to this thread though I'd be interested in what they say...
I use this stuff "Flex Paint" for my flexible rubber and bendable plastic parts. It can be any color you want. Original formula by Sculpt Nouveau, still available at Fox and Superfine.

However PlastiDip and flexible acrylics work too.
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