Best files for M7S SMG and M6C/SOCOM Pistol?


New Member
Hello! I am looking to print an M7S and a M6C/SOCOM to go with my ODST, and wasn't sure what the best/most recommended files were. I've been looking at Skookum props files and Aguilar Workshops and wasn't sure if anyone had printed them and had an opinion if either was better, or there's a different file I should use. Any info would help, Thanks!
Hello! I am looking to print an M7S and a M6C/SOCOM to go with my ODST, and wasn't sure what the best/most recommended files were. I've been looking at Skookum props files and Aguilar Workshops and wasn't sure if anyone had printed them and had an opinion if either was better, or there's a different file I should use. Any info would help, Thanks!
Skookum, Aguilar, FromTheBrink, and Oddworks are all great choices. Personally I'd suggest Skookum's though, they're a breeze to work with and he makes a lot of design choices that help with the stability and ease of painting for his stuff.
I just finished up painting my Aguilar file M6C and it turned out great! I was able to print it all on one plate and it scaled to my hand really well!

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