blafftat's 3D Printed Mark VII Armor


This is the beginning of my Mark VII hybrid build. By hybrid, I mean it will have some parts made of foam and some 3D printed. I don't have much to say because I've already made all my plans on a Google Doc. I'm not planning to really start it until this coming summer so that I have a flowing income to fund this project. I'm not expecting to finish this by Dragoncon 2024, but I'll try my best. Here's the plans so far: Project MJOLNIR 2.0

That document is where I'll be tracking my financing, build plans, features, and more. It will always be updated with my latest ideas, while this thread is where I'll keep all my progress.

Some personal goals are to make it look better than my other Mark V(b) build (blafftats Mark V(b) Build). I want to win a contest or something with it. I also am going to attempt to incorporate all the features from it, plus more. I also linked a photo of that build so you can just see it if you don't wanna browse through the thread.

If you've read all of this, thanks, and stay updated!


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I’ve made a little drawing to find the color scheme I want, however I’m not sure I like it. I’ll make 1 or two more. Since my Spartan is on team “raven” I wanted to incorporate some darker colors like blacks and grays, but still have my purple color in it.

I’ll return later with some different color combinations
Filament has come in!

I found a good deal for a pack of 4*1 kg elegoo petg rolls. I also bought my files and started printing!


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I didn't even think about adding a camel pack to my suit, I think I'll incorporate that into the suit I'm making. Since you're making the helmet first have you decided on a voice amp yet?
I'm only going to have a cheap tour guide voice guide to mimic the rvb "voice"

cheap amazon voice box This might be the one
That's the same voice amp I use for a few of my costumes. Works great and doesn't break the bank. I have one hidden in a belt pouch in my Mando and one under the chest in Master Chief. I made a few marks on the volume knob for different events, so they can hear me well enough without just being a human megaphone.
Purple gang!

Fr tho this suit looks like it fits so well and looks so good, im envious. Ive been thinking of doing a 3d print build, have you had parts that dont fit properly after printing or are as maneuverable as youd wanted?
Purple gang!

Fr tho this suit looks like it fits so well and looks so good, im envious. Ive been thinking of doing a 3d print build, have you had parts that dont fit properly after printing or are as maneuverable as youd wanted?
I havent printed anything with either of my printers for at least 3 months, so ive just been doing tune ups like temp towers, plenty of benchies, and tons of calibration cubes. I promise I'll get back to you after I really start this project.
There’s been a delay.
My CR-10 has had soooo many problems and I’ve spent at least an hour or two working on it everyday this week. I was cleaning the hotend when suddenly it sparked and now I cannot extrude anymore. It’s okay though because I can still use my ender 3 and it’s doing way better than the CR-10. If anything goes bad I can probably fix it because I’m moderately experienced with my Ender 3. Printing REALLY starts now.
There’s been a delay.
My CR-10 has had soooo many problems and I’ve spent at least an hour or two working on it everyday this week. I was cleaning the hotend when suddenly it sparked and now I cannot extrude anymore. It’s okay though because I can still use my ender 3 and it’s doing way better than the CR-10. If anything goes bad I can probably fix it because I’m moderately experienced with my Ender 3. Printing REALLY starts now.
Man, having a printer down is the worst, especially one of the big guys. The upside with smaller build volumes, though, is cutting the big parts to more manageable pieces helps save on filament if any of them were to fail (especially near the end of a job - ouch). It's still a slog, though. Hopefully you get your CR-10 figured out soon.
My CR-10 gave me no end of problems for about a year. One day I disassembled the whole thing and found that the plastic extruder arm had cracked and was causing constant under extrusion. Replaced it with one of the cheapo metal ones off Amazon and it's been going strong since.

All that to say: Keep at it. You got this, man!
Update: I have 3/8ths of the helmet printed and I’ve realized this is going to be a much more longer project than anticipated. It will definitely NOT be done by dragoncon sadly because it’s evolved into a larger project.


I also have my undersuit now and it looks really good!

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