Bleach Hollow Mask

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gin tekidan

New Member
I know this is a Halo forum primarily, but after I made a few mis-sized shins and helmets I put down pepakura for a semester and when I picked it back up I decided on a practice piece that was a bit more simple. This is my first finished pep and first use of bondo and resin, and I think the greatest lesson I've learned is how little bondo I can use at one time(or that trying to use rondo on to opposing sides at the same time is a bad idea lol)

This pep turned out MUCH easier than the grenadier helm I tried before.

Then the first layer of resin on the outside.

I taped a papertowel roll to make it easy to handle while i worked on it. This turned out to be a big fail haha

I applied the first outside layer of bondo after sloshing rondo in the inside, I watched Cereal Killl3r's videos like 6 times before I tried it so I was nervous on the turnout...

But after some sandpaper it really was easier to work with than I thought


Then I painted it to see the flaws show up. I'm a little further along now with the sculpting and I'll add some more pics soon!



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Great work man in it takes time to build up the patience to the level the pros have but you'll get there and good choice of helmet if I say so myself (grenadier) :p I'm 've got a long ways to go sweet mask man!
Thanks man, it's like the more I add to it now the more precise i want it to look, and with all the nooks and crannies on the grenadier helmet I figured I'd learn the realm of bondo on something with less overall detail. I do have the halo pep sitting next to me when I work this mask, about 70% pepped, but I want to get this mask to completion first haha I'll post some new pics of this soon
Not too many anime fans huh? Ah well, heres what I've got pics of so far

I wanted to add skeletal style cheek bones, so i built up a wall on each side with cigarette packs and playing cards


Then I leveled them down with a dremel, which took forever since the battery life is about 5 minutes it seems :p

Then I coated it red, looked to even out some of the symmetry with the imperfections that showed up, and gave it a coat of gold to repeat the process


I did some more detail on the cheeks and theyre almost identical, minus a few low spots and tool marks. Next I built up the area just below them to give it more transition and to poke out a bit above the teeth section. Next I'm going to redo the brows a little more exaggerated like some of my references, and smooth it out so it blends with the temple. I'll use the same method for the teeth as I did with the cheek bones, fill with rondo and carve out the detail and the face will be pretty much done, I have to redo the back of the helmet since it doesnt quite fit and it caught a few bb's from my airsoft gun when I got attacked by spider crickets(nasty little things slowly taking my garage from me lol) so I can say from experience dont count on 1/4 in bondo to stop a bullet in airsoft haha If anyone has any ideas on how I can make this mask look more like it is real bone, I'd appreciate the advice !!!


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Not too many anime fans huh? Ah well, heres what I've got pics of so far

I watch a few shows, I'm actually planning an Alphonse build from FMA. Stopped watching Bleach a long time ago, though the whole "hollow transformation" deal was actually quite interesting, not to mention the mask looks cool. You're doing nicely, just wanted you to know there are people watching this, as you're not getting much feedback which is a shame, because it's a really nice build.

Nice idea using a pack of newports to make the cheekbones haha. I'll swing by and check this thread occasionally. :)
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