Blending pepakura and molding

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New Member
HI im really new to the forum. I have been reading INTENSLEY for the past wekk or so and i was wondering if it was possible to make a pepakura model out of cardstock and then use clay to put in fine details and the mold my armor from that.... Would this work?
treaster117 said:
HI im really new to the forum. I have been reading INTENSLEY for the past wekk or so and i was wondering if it was possible to make a pepakura model out of cardstock and then use clay to put in fine details and the mold my armor from that.... Would this work?

Possibly But you would have to fiberglass the inside of the helmet a lot then maybe fill the entire thing with great stuff foam sealant to keep its shape.

Remember Clay is heavy due to the amount of moisture in it. I had a similar idea myself but using self drying clay. I might still try that on a small piece and see how it works.

The only thing is when you get it done you would have to have the mold making material handy, do it as fast as possible. I don't know how long the shell would stand up to the weight of the clay.

If you do this take lots of pics from begging to end and post them maybe make a Tutorial about it. A lot of us out here would love to see it, good luck!
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I would like more people to try this. I think it is a great idea, and a couple of us have done it.
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