BRISBANE OZ Comic Con Meet up 2024

I'll be there. Usually PlanetAlexander organizes something for Supanova - but I don't think I've seen a planned 405th gathering for OzComicCon for this year yet. He's done them for previous years.
It would be nice to have a planned meeting so I know which day to be Spartan and which day to be Klingon.

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Just a heads up for anyone coming to Oz comicon this year, I'll be posting the timetable and Map of the event here so any members going can try to meet up for a quick chat and photo on the day if they want.

And BTW Sergeant Saint, those costumes look great! I've been meaning to say that but kept forgetting to.
I can host another meetup, though due to events earlier this year, it will be a regular Halo cosplay meetup, not one officially hosted by the 405th (things will generally run the same though). Thinking 2:00pm, Saturday, meet at the main foyer? We can head over to the Tafe carpark/park again - I found that to be a good spot for shoots last time!
That sounds awesome! I'm going with some friends and family, so I'll let them know. My little bro and my friend will both go in their mandalorian suits so that might make for a fun photo shoot if that's ok with you all.
BTW is the timetable and map of the events released on the day/at the convention? This'll be our first time going so I was wondering how to plan it.
I can host another meetup, though due to events earlier this year, it will be a regular Halo cosplay meetup, not one officially hosted by the 405th (things will generally run the same though). Thinking 2:00pm, Saturday, meet at the main foyer? We can head over to the Tafe carpark/park again - I found that to be a good spot for shoots last time!
1 - Are you going to do up a graphic per usual for that? Something we can each share on our socials to make more people aware.
2 - Are you okay with us each putting on our socials, to make more people aware? {I don't want to presume on something that might be a specific person's role}
BTW is the timetable and map of the events released on the day/at the convention? This'll be our first time going so I was wondering how to plan it.
Usually, since I'm subscribed to their newsletter, I get emailed an itinerary, though I haven't received anything yet, and I can't find anything on their website. Alas, Australian cons work on Island Time and usually only make that info public the week of the event (though, ahem, I'm not really one to comment in this situation).

1 - Are you going to do up a graphic per usual for that? Something we can each share on our socials to make more people aware.
2 - Are you okay with us each putting on our socials, to make more people aware? {I don't want to presume on something that might be a specific person's role}
I won't make a graphic this time 'round, but feel free to let people know about there where/when of the event (if anyone happens to have any questions, I'm able to answer it for them). And please, do share to your socials! It just won't be publicised the same way as it has in the past.
Been meaning to post these, but I just kept forgetting. First time to Oz-comicon and had a blast! Couldn't take more than 8 steps without getting asked for a photo, not complaining though, as it was awesome to see the kids faces light up when I let them hold the gravity axe and pistol.

It was also so awesome meeting all the halo cosplayers down in Brisbane, you guys were really cool, and super friendly.

Post edit, sadly I can't post the other photos, but I'll figure out a way.


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