Cardstock for Peps

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New Member
Hello. I am currently trying to start my first halo armor build. I heard that the best type of cardstock 110 lb. But I was wondering if anything lighter would work?
well the reason it has to to be strong is it needs to withstand the fiber glassing and the bondo but my printer cant print 110lb card stock so i have to use between 80 to 90lb but don't go under 80pounds or it cant hold the fiber glass without some kind of support. hope that helps a little Briger out
when you start using less then that it doesn't want to hold its shape. Most people Resin the paper after its built before fiberglassing and though this will strengthen it. While the Resin is wet it strongly effects the paper. Even 110 has a tendency to warp at this point.
You pretty much need 110 lb or heavier. I bought a pack of 12"x12" cardstock on sale, and although most of the sheets were the heavyweight stuff, for some odd reason the white sheets were slightly lighter. I figured no problem for something small like hand plates. Nope, two tries at pepping them with the lighter cardstock and each time they twisted and warped just during the pep stage - that's without any resin on them yet. The third pep of them with 110 lb cardstock has them holding their shape properly.
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