Props Chaos's M6B Halo Reach pistol

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New Member
The start of the halo Reach pistol made from thin oak wood updates will be shown as I progress

the start


That looks awesome. The only criticism I have is that the grip looks too long and the guard in front of the grip looks too far forward. I don't know though, maybe its just the picture.

How are you going to do this by the way. Are you making slices or are you going to carve it out of the wood?
It looks weird because it is size accurate and yeah I am going to do this in sections or slices, the picture is angled a little that may be why and there is not all the detail in it yet.
The grip is too narrow. And not curved enough.
Fingerguard is too far forward.
Laser housing on top is too small, needs to be longer.
And the length of the pistol needs to be shorter.
You did a good job drawing it, it's just that all the proportions are waaaay off. Good luck with your project! :)
well the halo wiki told me that the length was 9 inch and I based the drawing off the pep file soo ya do you know good \sizes and length for this because I am good at drawing but this is my first weapon build
what I would do is get a picture of the pistol (I think the halopedia has a good profile picture of it) and blow it up until the pistol is 9 inches across and then trace out the outline onto the wood and add in all the detail using the picture as a guide. This should give you all the right measurements since the picture will be the exact size of the real gun.

I'm not good at drawing and that seems doable for me so I imagine it should be no sweat for you. Hopefully that helps you out a little.
thank you S1l3nt V1p3r I looked at a render from the game then I looked at the pep file and saw that the the front does look waaay different I will have a new drawing to replace the first up sometime tomorrow to fix that stuff


Its just a process of trial and error until I get it right be sure to give feedback on this and if anyone has a better reference let me know
Sip I hate to say it but I feel like the laser housing (the part that bends over the top of the gun whatever its called) is too tall? I think it may be because the main body of the gun (slide) is too tall (I'd say taking like a thumbs width off of it would make it perfect). That's just how I feel though. I just mention it so you don't build the whole thing and then decide its not like what you wanted (made that mistake before :angry )

keep it up though, I feel like this is gunna be cool when your done
it mostly looks right though I mean my first weapon is not going to be right on the money but yeah I can see what your talking about

I actually like how it is though fits my hand pretty good

lol by the way SIP means spartan 1 project its a group I am in on bungie its ok though just call me Chaos next time
thats good, as long as your happy with it thats all that matters

as for the Sip thing, thats good to know, now I wont look like an idiot :)
you didn't look like and idiot

most people call me that on live it just is a common mistake to make lol

I just get annoyed at the people I have told them that and they still did it but no worries
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