Cheap padding idea...

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SGT Razor

Sr Member
If you've had a computer replaced or thrown out, chances are you have an extra mousepad. Yes, mousepads. That's my idea. They're soft enough. You can also cut them up and place them in various places of the helmet. I'm surprised no one has posted this...
ive actually already done that but all i really did was squish it in there for temporary use
good idea. Im probably useing some door/window sealing pad (the stuff that you put around your door to make it snug and not lose heat) the stuff keeps the hot hot and the cold cold. So with a good fan system it ought to be nice. I like the pad idea man, they are super cheap too.
You can use headliner padding... :\...

I bought some... It's nice and soft and has some fluff to it... :)
Macattack64 said:
You can use headliner padding... :\...

I bought some... It's nice and soft and has some fluff to it... :)

yup this is what sean used in his helmet. For the thicker padding, stretch it over some of the 3mm green upholstry foam you get from joann fabrics or any other major fabric store.
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Macattack64 said:
You can use headliner padding... :\...

I bought some... It's nice and soft and has some fluff to it... :)

But How much does that Cost?
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imMonkeyGOD said:
But How much does that Cost?

that all depends on where you get it from.. most of the places i've seen that have it, it goes for 10-15 dollars.
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