Welcome! I am the Regiment Membership Officer (RMO) for the Mountain Regiment here on the forums. We cover the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.
We have members spattered all over and I know we have a good concentration in Denver and its surrounding areas but don't remember who all was active in Colorado Springs.
If you head over to the Mountain Regiment area on the forums you can post stuff that would be more specific to our area, though there is tons of information from many other members across the globe already here on the forums if you take a little bit of time to search and scan through threads. A little faster way to engage in the group is the Discord server like YTunz mentioned already. There is a bunch of us constantly chatting away in the Mountain area on Discord as well as all of us officers for the regiment.
For meetups that we plan during conventions and such we will post updates and threads in the Mountain area here on the forums for planning and coordinating meetup times and locations for specific conventions.
Glad to have you on board and if you need anything else you can always shoot myself a DM or even
Angus314 our Regiment Commanding Officer (RCO), or
DeltaAlphaZulu our Regiment Executive Officer (RXO).
Happy Building!