1st Build Coloring Resin Visor


New Member

Recently I’ve been working on a Noble 6 armor set as one of my first projects, and I’ve run into a bit of a dilemma.

I’m at the point where one of the final tasks is making a visor, and I’m trying to make sure it has the gold-ish color while also being one way/mirrored if you know what I mean.

The visor I have was made on a resin printer, and I’m trying to find the best method to get it to the right color and just as importantly the mirrored look.

Any help would be appreciated.
Polish it first. Get it to its final state including clear coat.

Then typically its two stage color then silver chrome.
Then from the inside... with an airbrush... super fine & light mist of color. Let that cure. Then same with a quality chrome like Alclad II.

But since you want that gold-chrome... You might be able to locate a gold chrome to do in one application instead of a color/chrome 2 stage.

Remember you can always add more - but its not so easy to take it away if you go heavy: Basically you have to strip and repaint.

And practice the heck out of your technique first: Don't let the actual visor being your learning tool.
You can find clear plastic to practice on just about everywhere - any piece of plastic blister packaging can work for practicing on, so you can get a feel for how much paint gets you an acceptable level of clarity:mirror balance.

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