Colors? Please recommend...

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I know this is a stupid question, but I need to think of
what kind of 2 colors of paint i want on my armor/helmet.
any suggestions???

please not pink, im not manly enuff lol.
Spartan-K22 said:
I know this is a stupid question, but I need to think of
what kind of 2 colors of paint i want on my armor/helmet.
any suggestions???

please not pink, im not manly enuff lol.

Salmon ... and Light Blue
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Spartan-K22 said:
dont know what it would look like, but
pick the colors here, and post the image.

save the image and post it. show me what it would look like.
(just regualr mark VI armor)

b4 u start asking people to do this for you. You might want to get some more work done on your helmet ... your thing says that its 10% done
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Durlaburban said:
he hasent even started yet. Sam stop being stupid plz. and tell zach to stop being useless

o_O Why is he asking about colors then? and who are these people you're talking to?!
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Seriously man, you've got so much work ahead of you, you shouldn't even be thinking about the color yet, let alone making a thread about it...

Get to it!
Durlaburban said:
he hasent even started yet. Sam stop being stupid plz. and tell zach to stop being useless

Post the people's usernames please, it looks like you're talking to yourself right now...
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Negative_Criticism said:
I say primary salmon with light highlights of fuchsia to really bring out the details.

Lol were just giving you alternative shades of pink :lol:
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I dont know how you are making your armour at the time so I cant really reccomend any colours.
If you are making all the details on the armour when you build it, you can use lighter colors because you don't have to worry about painting the details on which require shading to make them look as real as possible.

If you are just making your amour flat like the pepakura ones, I really suggest using a darker color, because it is a lot easier to shade and highlight in order to paint the details on.

Also, bright colors usually make imperfections stand out.

I always thought darker colors look better anyways. they look more ... professional. A white or silver MC would be awesome, but neon or light colors look cheesy.
Blue with white secondary. And if you're doing the MKVI helm, do a double stripe instead of just one, like racing stripes. Or don't 'cos I'm going to do that when I get to that point. If I don't do black with flames.
K 22 is sam. hes my friend in real life.. somthing alot of you wouldn't know about.. a real life lol. dont blame me for being a little cool.
Well I've found that even if your red... People will still call you master chief... :\... So it really doesn't matter what color you are... But I'm going with green for my new suit... :\
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