Command changes for pacific regiment: Departures


Member DIN
Good afternoon Pacific Regiment,

I Wanted to Formally announce that I will be stepping down as Commanding Officer of the Pacific Regiment Effective Feb 1st.

With that being said there will be an Election being held for these positions in the very near future. It was an honor to serve you all, but with my personal life and time constraints growing ever higher, I felt that is no longer to the benefit of the Regiment for me to continue to be in the position that I am currently in.

Additionally, I will be departing the 405th as a whole and going dormant on my account. This past year has had a lot of trials and tribulations and the results of those conflicts in many ways I do not align with what I had hoped from this community and personally, cannot continue to support. This however does not detract from how I feel about many of the members that I have met here and will always be available and continue to support the greater halo cosplay community and this wonderful group of creators that I have met in my personal journey while a part of this organization. Though I may disagree with the organization, I will always care and love the people who are a part of the halo community.

You can always reach out to me for anything, cosplay advice, halo discussions, feedback, or a soundboard if you need it. I will be around in the greater community and I know our paths will cross again.

Until then this is your Commanding officer signing off.

Wish the best for you. Hope there are juice boxes where your headed.

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