Cosplay armour attaching


Jr Member
Hi all,

I would like to know how everyone attaches the individual armour poieces to their undersuit/clothes. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. i was thinking of using velcr straps at either opening of the armour. e.g. either opening of the wrist pieces. thoughts?

That varies a lot depending on what costume you're talking about.
ODST strapping is completely visible.
Spartans depend on which armor you're talking about. For my MK-VI there's very little that has to be strapped.
  1. Thighs have elastic belt loops to keep pulling up.
  2. Put on the back with two velcro that come over for the chest to connect to.
  3. Shoulders have a velcro that come down from the back, over the delts.
That's it for me. But the next person, in a different suit, different files, or a foam suit, is going to be different. So it would help if you specified what you're building beyond just "cosplay armor".
That varies a lot depending on what costume you're talking about.
ODST strapping is completely visible.
Spartans depend on which armor you're talking about. For my MK-VI there's very little that has to be strapped.
  1. Thighs have elastic belt loops to keep pulling up.
  2. Put on the back with two velcro that come over for the chest to connect to.
  3. Shoulders have a velcro that come down from the back, over the delts.
That's it for me. But the next person, in a different suit, different files, or a foam suit, is going to be different. So it would help if you specified what you're building beyond just "cosplay armor".
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I am building the armour of noble 1 - Carter. I am currently 3D printing everything except for the chest armour and the thighs which will be foam.


I have a chest harness that my belt, thighs, and biceps hang off of. The forearms are just held in place with foam and my knees/shin armor pieces are only supported by an elastic strap (which I have a feeling I might regret later but initial testing hasn't been that bad). The hand plates I velcroed on to gloves. My chest armor is being held together with magnets and velcro.
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