COVID-19 and Our New Normal

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Commanding Officer
Community Staff
Division Staff
Hello all,

What is happening all over the world is unprecedented and frankly, a little scary. I work for the Justice Dept. in my local government and on Friday we were getting update emails about every 20 minutes to 1 hour from management as things rapidly changed and they made changes in response. I was concerned before, but after Friday I was definitely a little shook. Every time you see the news, more and more events or facilities are being postponed, cancelled and closed.

I know that for many, the world is already a stressful place with all sorts of pressures and things coming at you from all directions at once. And sometimes it feels like you are having more and more difficulty being able to go with the flow or roll with the punches or any of the other sayings we all know so well. I wanted to just take a moment or two to let everyone know that we're all in this boat together and this community is strong. Anyone who might be struggling with keeping their cool during these trying times, please reach out to someone here. If you aren't comfortable with any members yet because you're new, reach out to me. I can't pretend that any of us can take away some of your stress or worry but I'm sure that we can listen and maybe even take you're mind off of things for just a bit.

Remember there are things that you can all do to help flatten out that curve. Wash your hands - sounds simple enough but make sure that you know the best ways to get all of those areas germs like to hide. Social distance but maintaining contact through other means - the 405th has a Discord Channel (405th Discord ) and there are lots of very active members there to chat with. We also have FB Groups for all of the Regiments and of course, lots of conversation to be had here! There are of course also lots of ways to have group drop ins on Google Hangouts or Skype etc. DON'T PANIC - this stuff is scary but we need to think before we act. Look at the bigger picture before you run out and follow along with whatever the panic of the day is. If you feel yourself starting to worry, talk to someone and do your best to calm yourself down before you make any hasty decisions. Don't believe everything you see. Get your information from reliable sources.

If the recent panic buying of certain items has left you legitimately short handed, talk to your Regiment and see if anyone has recommendations of where to get stuff. If you have more than enough to last you a couple of weeks, think about looking at online groups in your area to help out those that do not, like seniors who typically only can afford to purchase a week at a time. Remember, the grocery stores will be the very last things to close if at all. While it's totally unnerving to go in to a store and see no meat or standard dry goods, they are still getting shipments and they will restock. Don't fall in to the panic of buying everything in sight. Buy what you need for your family to last a couple of weeks and leave the rest for others. Or, I've even seen the recommendation that if you really can't get past the need to stock up, please do so a little bit at a time. Think as well about supporting local business who are going to suffer the most with closures and social distancing.

Also, as with any situation, while we look to bringing out the best in ourselves, it brings out the worst in others. There are scams going around about testing results and people looking to make a quick buck off of their fellow human by charging ridiculous amounts for those items that seem to be in short supply. Be very aware of emails and text messages with links.

We've got much to learn. This is the first really life altering world wide pandemic. It most certainly will not be the last and it is our new normal. But we can pull together in our communities locally and online to help each other get through. Let's pull together and keep each others spirits high. Start online build groups, try out new techniques and share what you learned with us. Try a new hobby. Keep your mind active and away from worry. Together, we'll get through this.

Much love to you all,

You couldn`t have said it better.

Covid-19 is definitly nothing to joke around anymore.

But the best we can do is to stick together, help each other and to not panic.

Thanks fpr your words, I am happy to have a good community like ours arround in such days.

Love to all our mebers from Austria.

yes yes, well said. I think this will be a wake up call for some people as well, but in a positive way. Don't forget to stay healthy and take care of yourselves during the shutdowns as well.
In these crazy times of Covid-19, I just wanted to take a moment to let people know that if you have a computer (preferably with a gaming GPU) there is actually a way you can help find a cure for covid-19. By running a program called Folding @ Home, you can donate compute time to researchers (usually at Stanford) that helps the crunch numbers related to finding weaknesses in the virus by simulating protein behavior.

At the time of posting, the 405th is currently in the top 2.5% 1.5% of contributors IN THE WORLD! I'd love to see us hit top 1% or better!

Download information can be found here: Folding@home – Fighting disease with a world wide distributed super computer.
In order to contribute to the 405th team, use the team code 252656
I also recommend going creating an 'account' through them to get a passphrase, because doing so gets us a lot more credit (for completing work early) vs not having an account.

Note the contribution points are not worth anything, or exchanged for anything, there's no money or return involved. It's simply a measure of how much you or a team has contributed.

So, if you're able and willing, let's band together and help fight this together!
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