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Hello All,

Thank you Zenghilios for the BCO nomination.  I accept your nomination.  For those who don't know me, let me tell you about who I am. First, I have been a fan of Halo since CE came out in 2001.  I was on the USS Peleliu and after shift, we all ran to the original Xbox grabbed a controller and slugged it out for hours.  I actually bought the game before I owned an Xbox.  I can't say I am a super fan and know every little detail and trivia about the Halo universe, but I know enough.  I've played all the games, but I haven't finished Infinite just yet.  It just hasn't been a priority for me (Jorge took precedence) .

I have been doing costuming stuff since 1997 when I got into a renaissance group that did sword fighting.   I've done Civil War reenactments as the First Sargent with artillery (Love the big booms!).  I also am a part of a Rev War reenactment group.   My Cosplay life started in 2002 with the 501st as a Biker Scout before they were anal retentive butt monkeys.  I still have the outfit, but it no longer qualifies for membership and I'm too fluffy to fit into it anymore.

I am new to the 405th officially.  I went to the Halo Outpost Discovery way back in 2019 dressed as a Marine with my two sons NobleAcutal and Pipninja.  In 2022 I went to Emerald City Comic Con with Pipninja as his handler.  I had a great time and decided to make my own Spartan outfit.  Since I'm a big man and a little fluffy (6'4" 260 lbs) I decided to make a Jorge outfit.  I decided to make it out of foam for the light weight and flexibility foam offers.  I made a duct tape mannequin of myself and used that to pretty much pattern my whole outfit from scratch.  My helmet was 3d printed using PETG so I know how to use that medium as well.  14 months later Jorge was reborn just in time for the HCS world championship last October (2023).  I won the Cosplay contest at that event and have since deployed as a Tier 3 Spartan.

I am a 20 year Navy veteran and a former Scout Master.  I have held multiple leadership positions both professionally and in social organizations similar to the 405th.  To be honest, I don't want the title.  I want to see the job done.  I want to mentor the next leader and pass it down when whoever come next is ready (their decision, not mine).  I've know too many bad leaders that just want the title and the "respect" and not the responsibility.  I want to facilitate all of us having fun, improving our cosplay, and share in the comradery that is Halo!

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