Dreamhack Dallas/ HCS Open Series Info and Roll Call (May 23rd - 25th)


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"Welcome to the most thrilling IRL gaming adventure!

The place where gamers from all multiverses and backgrounds connect for a weekend of experiences; esports, cosplay, creator led activities, table top, special guests, panels, workshops, the coolest IRL loot stores and hey, of course….gaming, gaming, and more gaming "

Date: May 23rd, 2025 through May 25th, 2025 (Condensed 05/23/25 - 05/25/2025)

Location: Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas, Texas (MAPS)

Event Website:
Dreamhack 2025 / HCS Open Series

Local Hotels:

- Omni Dallas Hotel
- Lorenzo Hotel Dallas
- Hyatt Regency Dallas

Final Thoughts: We have been asked to assist with this event by the Dreamhack team! Tickets will be covered for both armored attendees, and handlers via our attendance list. In addition, as the event gets closer we will be participating with the HCS Open Series component. We will be asked to engage with the community at the mile long event center, bringing the unique Halo experience to the atmosphere!

Additionally, we have been asked to plan an execute a "skit" of some sort for a 15/20 minute duration that will be a intermission on the main stage of the event. The stage is ADA compliant, handlers will be allowed on stage as necessary alongside DH staff, and the stage has ramps in addition to stairs. We are also invited to participate in the events cosplay contest, and welcome to use the amenities provided like the cosplayer lounge, repair stations, and changing spaces on site. However no filming can happen in back areas/cosplay areas, areas designated "back-of-house", and no crowding the official photographers space during DH events.

Booth: We have discussed the potential of a 10x10 booth space with an 8ft provided table, however nothing is locked in yet at this time

Confirmed "Boots on Ground":

- SpartanSweed
- BlazingForge
- GalacticWombat
- scifikai
- Dan817
- SalLyrisse

Tentative Responses/Past Attendees:

Attendance Sheet:
Please ensure you fill out not only the attendance portion, but the prop portion as well!

Dinner Plans: TBD

Photoshoot: TBD



Photographer Information:
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Very Excited for this event! I am totally willing to help out with the skit both with figuring out how and what to do and performing it! I also plan to compete in their cosplay contest! If you plan to compete in that contest you should hear back around April 17-19! Over all though I'm excited and Very ready for it!
Count on me! Can’t wait to suit up again with the squad and will also be able to support for the skit. Let me know if you like to brainstorm some more ideas, glad to hear some of the previous sketches might help us showcase our amazing group!
I will also plan on competing in their cosplay contest. Super hyped and ready to represent!
I’ve created two versions of I’m Just Chief to give flexibility in how we adapt the lyrics to the original I’m Just Ken instrumental. Both versions stay true to the song’s rhythm and structure, making it easy to overlay our vocals onto the existing music.
• Version 1 keeps the lyrics as close as possible to the original concept while ensuring the beats and syllables align perfectly with the music.
• Version 2 introduces slight lyrical adjustments for smoother flow, stronger pacing, and added humor, making it more engaging while still capturing the core themes.
These options give us room to choose the best fit for tone and execution, depending on how much we want to lean into the humor/dramatic elements of the parody. I written this so that the lyrics can be prerecorded over the music of I’m just Ken and our regiment can move their heads and move to the words (lip syncing) ;)

Version 1: I’m Just Chief Lyrics (Adjusted to Match the Music Perfectly)
(this will match the beats in the original song.)

[Verse 1] (Solo Chief starts, dramatic and heartfelt.)
Doesn’t seem to matter what I do,
I saved the Earth, the galaxy too…
But no matter what fights I’ve won,
Cortana says, “We’re still just done.”
Which one of us is the machine?
All my life, giving it all my might,
Just trying to finish the fight…

(Spartans gasp, placing hands on their helmets in shock.)

[Chorus] (All Chiefs together, epic moment)

’Cause I’m just Chief!
Always the first into the fight!
Is it my destiny to save the day, then fade into obscurity?
I’m just Chief!
Never take off my Mjolnir suit!
What will it take for her to see the man behind the HUD and fight for me?

(Cortana dramatically turns away, shaking her head awkwardly. The other Spartans & ODSTs step forward to hype up Solo Chief.)

[Verse 2] (Solo Chief, then others join in)
I don’t know how to love, I guess…
Only trained for war and stress.
I stopped the Flood, took down the Didact,
But still, she won’t come back…
I’m no machine!
(Spartans comfort Chief, patting his shoulder, shaking their heads.)

[Bridge - Variations of Chief Step Forward]
-Hawaiian Chief! (Spartan in a Hawaiian shirt does a hula move.)
-Cowboy Chief! (Spartan in a massive cowboy hat over helmet & tips it dramatically.)
-Business Chief! (Spartan adjusts a tie.)
-Stealth Chief! (Spartan with a green screen fabric- camo “disappears,” then reappears by dropping the green fabric awkwardly with a surprise “ta-da!” gesture.)
Can you feel the Spartan-ergy? (big dramatic choir moment)
Feels so real, my Spartan-ergy!
Can you feel the Spartan-ergy? (over-the-top posing, flexing, pointing at the crowd)
Feels so real, my Spartan-ergy!

[Final Chorus] (All Spartans rallying behind Chief)
’Cause I’m just Chief!
Anywhere else, I’m 1-1-7!
Is it my destiny to save the day, then fade into obscurity?
I’m just Chief!
Where I see her, she sees a machine!
What will it take for her to see the man behind the HUD and fight for me?
I’m just Chief (and I’m enough!)
And I’m great at shooting stuff!
So hey! Check me out, yeah, I’m just Chief!
My name’s Chief (and so am I!)
Put that Mjolnir hand in mine!
So hey! World, check me out, yeah, I’m just Chief!
Baby, I’m just Chief…
(Chief dramatically kneels while the other Spartans hold heroic poses.)

I’m Just Chief Version 2: Alternative Version with Slight Rewrites for Stronger Pacing & Humor
(Same core idea, but smoother rhythm and a few added Halo references.)
[Verse 1]
Doesn’t seem to matter what I do,
I saved the Earth, the galaxy too…
But no matter what fights I’ve won,
Cortana says, “We’re still just done.”
All my life, I’ve trained for war,
Fighting battles, nothing more!
But no matter what, I’m still the same—
Why won’t Cortana remember my name?!
(Spartans gasp in dramatic disbelief.)

[Chorus] (All Chiefs together, hyping up the crowd.)
’Cause I’m just Chief!
First to fight and last to sleep!
The universe rests on my back,
But I still can’t get Cortana back!
I’m just Chief!
Never take this helmet off!
What will it take for her to see
The man behind the HUD and fight for me?
(Cortana turns away awkwardly. Other Spartans step forward in support.)

[Verse 2]
I don’t know how to love, I guess…
Only trained for war and stress.
I fought the Brutes, took down the Didact…
(But what’s a Spartan without you?)
I’m no machine!
(Spartans comfort Chief with heroic head nods.)

[Bridge - Funny Chiefs Take Over]
-Hawaiian Chief! (Spartan in a Hawaiian shirt does a hula move.)
-Cowboy Chief! (Spartan in a massive cowboy hat over helmet & tips it dramatically.)
-Business Chief! (Spartan adjusts a tie.)
-Stealth Chief! (Spartan with a green screen fabric- camo “disappears,” then reappears by dropping the green fabric awkwardly with a surprise “ta-da!” gesture.)
Can you feel the Spartan-ergy? (big dramatic choir moment)
Feels so real, my Spartan-ergy!
Can you feel the Spartan-ergy? (over-the-top posing, flexing, pointing at the crowd)
Feels so real, my Spartan-ergy!

[Final Chorus] (All Spartans rallying behind Chief)
’Cause I’m just Chief!
Anywhere else, I’m 1-1-7!
The universe rests on my back,
But I still can’t get Cortana back!

I’m just Chief!
Where I see her, she sees a machine!
What will it take for her to see
The man behind the HUD and fight for me?
I’m just Chief (and I’m enough!)
And I’m great at shooting stuff!
So hey! Check me out, yeah, I’m just Chief!
My name’s Chief (and so am I!)
Put that Mjolnir hand in mine!
So hey! World, check me out, yeah, I’m just Chief!
Baby, I’m just Chief…
(Chief kneels dramatically, while Spartans hero-pose behind him as the lights fade.)

"Welcome to the most thrilling IRL gaming adventure!

The place where gamers from all multiverses and backgrounds connect for a weekend of experiences; esports, cosplay, creator led activities, table top, special guests, panels, workshops, the coolest IRL loot stores and hey, of course….gaming, gaming, and more gaming "

Date: May 23rd, 2025 through May 25th, 2025 (Condensed 05/23/25 - 05/25/2025)

Location: Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas, Texas (MAPS)

Event Website:
Dreamhack 2025 / HCS Open Series

Local Hotels:

- Omni Dallas Hotel
- Lorenzo Hotel Dallas
- Hyatt Regency Dallas

Final Thoughts: We have been asked to assist with this event by the Dreamhack team! Tickets will be covered for both armored attendees, and handlers via our attendance list. In addition, as the event gets closer we will be participating with the HCS Open Series component. We will be asked to engage with the community at the mile long event center, bringing the unique Halo experience to the atmosphere!

Additionally, we have been asked to plan an execute a "skit" of some sort for a 15/20 minute duration that will be a intermission on the main stage of the event. The stage is ADA compliant, handlers will be allowed on stage as necessary alongside DH staff, and the stage has ramps in addition to stairs. We are also invited to participate in the events cosplay contest, and welcome to use the amenities provided like the cosplayer lounge, repair stations, and changing spaces on site. However no filming can happen in back areas/cosplay areas, areas designated "back-of-house", and no crowding the official photographers space during DH events.

Booth: We have discussed the potential of a 10x10 booth space with an 8ft provided table, however nothing is locked in yet at this time

Confirmed "Boots on Ground":

- SpartanSweed
- BlazingForge
- GalacticWombat
- scifikai
- Dan817
- SalLyrisse

Tentative Responses/Past Attendees:

Attendance Sheet:
Please ensure you fill out not only the attendance portion, but the prop portion as well!

Dinner Plans: TBD

Photoshoot: TBD



Photographer Information:
I know we’re locking in more skit ideas to fill the intermission at DreamHack, and I’ve been brainstorming a few more suggestions. Glad to hear that both the I’m Just Chief skit and the Halo Olympics can help hype up the crowd while filling the downtime. These will keep the energy high, get people engaged, and add to the overall experience! Let me know what you think of these ideas!

• Mjolnir Endurance Hold – Contestants hold a “heavy” prop weapon (like a gravity hammer or turret) at arm’s length for as long as possible.

• “Plasma Grenade” Hot Potato – Players pass around a blue stress ball or plush “plasma grenade” while music plays—whoever is holding it when the music stops is “stuck” and out!

“Betcha can't stick it" Achievement
• Sticky Note Armor Build – Teams race to completely cover a teammate in “armor” using only sticky notes. (Blue Color for the plasma grenade effect!)

Covenant Translator – players in each team speak their best “Elite” or “Grunt” gibberish while the audience votes on has the best delivery.

Ring Activation – Teams race to pass a Halo Ring (blue hula hoop) down their lineup without breaking formation. Locking hands, each player must maneuver the hoop over their body and onto the next teammate. First team to finish wins! (Hoop size must accommodate armor!)

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