(E)ODST build

Here's it's "complete" state as of November 1st-3rd at Torg, with temporary DFT Marine shins as well as a "New" (not really) helmet

As for the new Marine helmet, it's not a replacement for the EOD. The EOD helmet is still my main bucket going forward, though it's not the best to walk around in due to the lack of peripheral vision. I'm much less likely to bump into someone wearing the Marine helmet.

Tldr: EOD for pictures, Marine for wandering

That said, I'm extremely proud of the Marine helmet paint job, and thanks to SSGLordBert for gifting it to me
My current to do list
1- Finishing the whole kit. I need to properly finish my suit before making upgrades. I considered doing Marine shins, though I think I'm going to stick with ODST. I have enough marine parts as is between the alt helmet and thighs. I'm considering looking into some of the Sean Bradley stuff to finish things up

2- new hip plates. They're too small, and the rigging sucks, I don't know what I was thinking. I need to figure out the rigging in the area just in general. It's a mess. You can see in some Torg pics I just didn't bother with it by day 3.

3- repainting the EOD helmet. Same color scheme and blocking, though I want it to be up to snuff with my Marine helmet.

I'll try and keep this thread updated with my efforts, so stay tuned
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