Elite Honor Guard Update #1

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Jr Member
So for my first costume, I'm making the Sangheili Honor Guardsmen, or Elite Honor Guard. I've never seen an Honor Guard before, so maybe somebody has made one, but not that I know of. Anyways, it'll be the red Elite Major with the Honor Guard armor. I may make it removable, so I could have a plain Elite Major or an Honor Guard.

As for weapons, the main one is going to be an Energy Sword. I will use acrylic sheets, and put 2 blue LEDs in each blade. The light then lights up the edges of each blade. I'll then lightly spray on some white spray paint so it's not completely see-through. And for a final touch, I'll use a dremel tool (I think that's how it's spelled...) to etch in the designs of the energy, and the light will light up the... lines, etched in stuff...??? Well, yeah, I don't know how to explain it, but it'll be VERY cool!
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