Emile armor Eva foam templates request


New Member
Hello, could anyone give me templates for foam Emile armor? As far as my skills allow me, i can easily complete the build with right templates, but i dont think i will be able to make pepakura files work with foam and then play with fit to get the desired shape. I can pay too.
All the files for Emile should be the halo reach portion of the Armory under their respective base armors like security and operator, and everything else would be in accessories
All the files for Emile should be the halo reach portion of the Armory under their respective base armors like security and operator, and everything else would be in accessories
Could you specify which elements exactly Emile uses? Its confusing af ngl. Plus im not sure if I'll be able to convert pepakura files into foam :/
Could you specify which elements exactly Emile uses? Its confusing af ngl. Plus im not sure if I'll be able to convert pepakura files into foam :/
Noble 4 – Emile – Emile-A239

Helmet - EVA HUL
Left Shoulder - Operator
Right Shoulder - Security/Kukri
Chest - Assault/Sapper
Knees - FJ/Para
Attachments - Assault Breacher, Tactical Soft Case

Files Needed:
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Standard
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - EVA
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Security
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Operator
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Accessories
Yeah no problem, he's got Operator on the left and Security with a kukri on his right, along breacher forarm, assault sapper chest attachment and softcase thigh. The pdos in reach should have a labeled foam conversion
What thickness of Eva foam would you recommend using? I was thinking 10mm for whole build, but would def like to hear your ideas.
I typically use 12mm floor mats for all of my builds with a combination of 5mm and 2mm for added detailing but it's all personal preference. This guide should help out

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