Extra Life 2024: November 2nd 2024 - November 3rd, 2024


Division PR and RCO
Division Staff
405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hey everyone! It’s that exciting time of year again! Get your friends together and join us for our annual Extra Life 25+ hour stream filled with all the wacky Halo action you can imagine! This year, we're taking things up a notch by streaming LIVE from the Midwest at TORG! We’ve got live matches, engaging panels, and plenty of mayhem planned, plus we’ll keep the fun going after hours with some remote streaming work from our hotel to ensure everyone around the world can be part of the excitement!

Just a quick reminder: to participate, you’ll need to have 50 constructive posts, be at least 90 days old in your account, and be a designated member of a regiment. All live segments will be recorded and the mic will be open for the audience, so let’s keep it professional—no excessive vulgarity, harassment, or wild antics like "victory crouching," or we may have to step in, which could mean removal from the event.

For our friends at TORG, please remember that your attendance privileges can be revoked at any time if necessary. Unruly or unprofessional behavior simply won’t fly!

Now that we've covered that, we’re excited to announce that our schedule is live! Make sure to check it out and sign up for the segments that interest you!

In the next few days, look out for some fun social media content about Extra Life! We’d love for you to share and promote the event because it’s all for a fantastic cause—helping those kiddos in need!


To make things even more exciting, we’ve got some fantastic graphics for you to use during the event! Don’t forget to tag our main account, 405thinfantry, and 405th_midwest in your posts. Plus, feel free to use these hashtags: #extralife2024, #405thextralife2024, #TORG, and #TORGExtraLife! Also make sure to thank and tag @oatsovernight and @torggamingexpo where applicable on your chosen platform! We can't wait to share all the amazing content throughout the week and weekend of the event for you to check out and engage with! Let’s make this a memorable time together!

Have you registered yourself/regiment with the 405th Extra Life Team? Register HERE!


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For the gaming "hybrid" events, will there be consoles/PCs set up for those at TORG, or will we need to bring our own?
I'm working to see if I can get computers, but I will need to ask for some people to probably loan us monitors, keyboard, and mice as those are the things that I don't have easy access to.
For anyone who would be interested in helping out with this year's stream from a technical aspect, please let me know!

You can see some positions that I normally staff for shows like this here: Stream Ops Positions | Notion

If anything there interests you, then please reach out to me! I'm more than happy to teach you if you don't know but want to learn. This is community production, and if you make some mistakes, you're ok. It's a great spot to learn!
I signed up for Playing Halo Incorrectly - Live segment at TORG. I was also unsure if I needed an extra life account to participate so I did create one.
Parzival Not necessarily! we have the 405th main extra life team and the midwest one! they all feed into the main teams total donations. Playing Halo incorrectly is a live segment where all players control one character
I'm working to see if I can get computers, but I will need to ask for some people to probably loan us monitors, keyboard, and mice as those are the things that I don't have easy access to.
Sounds good. I play Halo on PC as of right now, so if we get access to some of those that would be wonderful. For now though should I plan to bring a console along?
I signed up for costumed firefight but willing to placed in slots if needed. I can also bring a controller or two, i don't wanna take the xbox away from britt incase she wants to play something

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