Extra Life Chicago Gaming Convention Info and Roll Call: March 8th, 2025

Putting it official, Mark me as BOG. If were getting a booth id love to follow N8te's advice and play as an in universe recruiter with my CE Marine. Since this is a children's event, do we want a helmet or 2 we can let the kids and other attendees wear? I have a couple disguise helmets that would be really easy to disinfect between wearers.
If that's the case I can bring an extra helmet or two for the kids to take photos in
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. I will be heading to gulf shores for spring break that weekend I'll catch yall at planet and c2
Late, but ticket has been purchased so I'll be boots on the ground (MNKr I hope you're happy now lol). I'll be attending as a handler since I won't have a suit, but I can bring my Mk V helmet as display.
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Ill be sending in this attendance sheet start of this week for the Extra Life folks, so lock in now if you havent yet

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